~Nijuu Shichi~

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Izuku's POV:

I finally caved in to the gross feeling of mud caked upon my person and showered as soon as I woke up. I scrubbed every inch of myself until I was red to ensure no more mud had hidden itself - I still felt as though it was on my body though. My hair, unfortunatley, was knotty and ragged and was another task. By the time I was done, I could practically make a carpet with the amount of green hair on my brush!

I was more then upset that my mother hadn't picked up on my note, no amount of knotty hair or muddy skin could distract me from that. I then picked up the letter again. Her handwriting seemed rushed; her grammar was haywire and her handwriting was going all sorts of ways despite the ruled out lines on her paper - she made a very big deal about having straight, evenly-spaced lines on paper and would often draw them on - along with the very badly sealed envelope it came in.

"Didn't think your mother was the type to make so many mistakes, she seemed so well educated. Almost as if she took the same classes me and my siblings were forced to endure" A familiar voice protruded my thoughts. "She usually isn't this messy - she can even write in cursive." I muttered, reading the letter over and over. "Almost like she had very little time to write it down." Kacchan stated, walking over to the desk and picking up an apple, taking a bite not a second after. I hummed in agreement to his analysis.

"Agreed." I muttered "My mother isn't the type to write so terribly, no matter the situation." Kacchan was then at my side again, reading the letter. He hummed in confusion. "H... E.... L... P" He thought outloud. My eyes widened as I turned to him. "Help..."


She had finally deciphered the note. She was glad to know he was okay, but she couldn't go. Shouts and thuds were heard from outside her small bakery, a battering ram just visible through her partially blocked window. She didn't have much time.

She quickly gathered a few items; a quill, some ink and some paper she lined herself. She quickly scribbled down a reply to this 'request', not caring that the ink was bleeding through the thin paper onto the counter or even how messy her letter was. She had to get this out and fast. She grabbed the letter she had recieved, stuffing it into a small bag along with a few necessities. She knew she couldn't show her face there, not now, but her son was there.

"Under the demand of the Queen, you must open this door Mrs. Midoriya!" A voice yelled. She took this as her time to escape through the back door and flee into the nearby fields her beloved son and his friends once frolocked in before she had recieved word of what was going on within the walls of her past home.

She slipped the letter into a mailbox as she ran, checking the address on the other letter to ensure she knew where she was going.

"Izuku, please be safe!"

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