~Jū Roku~

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Katsuki's POV:

I walked to my mothers study. I couldn't let him run. I was already a disappointment and to allow my mate to run would add to this 'title' of mine. She already hated Izuku, I could see it in her eyes, to allow him to run would worsen her opinions of him. She had a horrible distaste for him and left him in his chambers with nothing from the very beginning. She was trying to tolerate him until me or Eijiro became king, I could tell.

I knocked on the door. "Who is it?" A voice called "Katsuki." I spoke "What is it?" Her voice sounded adgitated, as if even my voice disappointed her. "I have some important information about Izuku." I explained "Do come in." She shouted as I ket myself in. I stood opposite her as she was writing a testament, or I presumed so.

She gently sat down her quill and looked up to me "Now, what is it? Can't you see I am busy?" "Sorry mother... but this is urgent. Izuku plans to run away. He spoke to me of his plans." Her eyes widened before returning to their usual angered complection. "And where to?" She asked "I am not sure, mother, he just told me of fleeing." I lied. I didn't want him to be troubled tremendously, I would flee from here too if I could.

"He shall be punished!" She growled before ringing a bell, calling a maid in. Ashido walked in, head down. "Yes your majesty?" She asked as she curtsied "Lock Izuku in his room. He is only to be let out for meals." "Why may I ask?" Ashido asked, eyes widening "I do not owe you my business, nor shall you know any!" My mother shouted "Understood." Ashido nodded before hurridly walking out.

"Isn't that uncalled for mother? Anyone would go mad being locked in a room for a month!" I reasoned. Though I didn't like him I did not want my troubles to be reflected on him. "I locked you in your room for weeks on end and look at you, a handsome young man." She simply stated "He shall be fine so long as he doesn't try to escape from his bedroom. Guards shall patrol the area."

"This is a bit much, mother. All this because a man would rather return to his home life?" I couldn't help but feel sorry for him. He may be annoying but he is still human and shouldn't be treated this way. "It's that terrible mother of his filling his head with such dastardly things! He is a member of the royal family now. He is an ungreatful brat is what he is! Women and men dream to be your mate and yet he is, and look at his attitude towards you. Fate has paired you and he shall oblige"

I just nodded. I couldn't argue with her. She always used 'fate' against me. If fate really was as 'charming' as my mother described it, I would have a loving family and my mate would get along with me better. "Good night, mother." I hissed before walking out. "Oh! Katsuki do not forget! You are taking your sister out tomorrow so she can prepare for her wedding. I was going to allow you and Izuku but, this little slip up forbids it. Just get a suit for yourself and a suit for him." I once again nodded before turning to the door, swiftly opening it and rushing out.


Yep we are back to short chapters 🕺🕺🕺🕺. But hey, you got a Katsuki pov. That's compensation.

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