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To those who don't know, I'm on hiatus currently and so chapters for a lot of my books will be shorter than I would like. I'm sorry but this story is almost wrapped up now anyway so might aswell drag it out 🤷‍♂️


Izuku's POV:

The cellar was deafeningly silent - seemingly more so than it was when I was thrown in a few hours prior.

Despite my situation, I was oddly calm. Not because I trusted the man - not at all. But because I felt as though everything would be okay. I had managed to run away before; away from Queen Mitsuki. I might not have had help this time, but I wasn't going to just sit around and wait for my demise.

I quickly got up and began to pace, my boots clicking on the stone flooring now being the only noise throughout the entire hallway - that was in my earshot atleast.

I glanced around the room, looking over a few barrels to test how sturdy they were. They seemed pretty sturdy. I kicked one to check, the large cylinder of wood rolling towards the barred door and creating a large thud. I covered my ears for a few seconds, jumping as a Knight was suddenly stood infront of the door.

I couldn't see his face well - his long black hair covered the vast majority of his features and made me question whether or not he could actually see me. He had large bags under his eyes and wore a large scarf around the top of his armour. I didn't have to dwell on what it's function was for too long; he eventually sat down and used the scarf as a head rest as he slept.

Suddenly, my mother's characters within her books weren't as clichè as I had originally thought.


He watched in pure disguist as his mother raised her glass. She stood up from the table, laughing, and bumped her glass with his, a seemingly deafening sound of glass bumping echoing through the empty feast hall - save for his mother's gremlin-like laughter.

"To us, and all our future successes!" The blonde woman grinned, sipping her wine and sitting down with a giggle. The boy scoffed, rolling his ruby eyes as he watched. The slight noise did however attract her attention. She returned his disguisted look for a moment, only a moment however as she stood up and stood behind him. He had no idea if she was still frowning, however he could almost feel her grin.

She leant her head over his shoulder. "Why so upset Katsuki? You get this whole kingdom, a fine soulmate and children." The blonde huffed, rolling his shoulder to keep her off of him. The King laughed from beneath his mask. The boy had no idea why, but the king refused to lift his mask. His food was untouched - as was his food - and so he sat at the head of the table staring at both him and his mother.

"Patience, Mitsuki." He instructed. The queen returned to her chair begrudgingly. "I'm sure Katsuki just needs some... time." The king commented, the grin delivering it practically seeping through the sides of the mask and onto the table for everyone in the room to see. The queen returned the grin, acting almost as a recreation of the kings own visible to the eye.

He chose not to speak, he couldn't. His mother's leniency had definitley run it's course and he doubted she would what to look terrible infront of the king. Both leaders of their respective kingdoms began to talk, laugh and joke. The blonde has already fazed out by this point however.

His mind was elsewhere, thinking of poor Izuku and his mother. He has seen his kingdom's dungeons as a young child. They were dark, cold, dirty and intimidating. He could only hope both greenettes were okay. He just needed to try find a way out of the kingdom. He had taken Izuku there, and he was going to get him out.

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