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Izuku's POV:

I groaned into my pillow. This was the worst. Many omegas had fantasised about being here, in my shoes. I would often overhear women and men alike chatting about how attractive the royal children are and how they would give anything to be with them. Right now, I would give anything to be away from them. The outside world, out of my grasp due to the large, white wall, only sees what the royals want them to see; a well-put-together family with amazing heirs willing to take the throne with their mate at anytime and fight with their might at anytime.

I suppose this is a scare tactic though. A rivaling kingdom wouldn't be as hesitant to attack a run-down kingdom with a failing economy which is ruled by the most self-centered, lazy woman on earth. The economy had crashed years ago and now poverty was a part of life. Many people over-worked themselves, often dying the end, to provide for themselves. Sometimes,es children were even thrown into work to provide for their family. The queen had just smiled and waved at all the poverty and turned a blind eye to the people in need of help.

I had been warned at a young age upon finding out my role in society, a weak omega, that many men and women alike would use me and do bad things to me. I didn't understand at the time and I still do not fully however I do feel my mothers warnings were almost set up for the fate I have met here; destined to marry a terrible man and raise his children while he allowed people to starve, die and even be orphaned atbthe expense of his luxuries. It boiled my blood greatly.

My deep thoughts were interrupted, almost on queue before I began to plan a murder, by a knock. "Mr. Izuku." A voice called "You are wanted in the main hall. It is almost time for your trip with Mr. Katsuki." It had always struck me as weird we were referred to as our first names here as if they were higher authority, which they were "I'll be right there!" I called before walking out of the confines of 'my chambers'.

I walked down the many immaculate hallways, occasionally passing the odd servant of whom I would wave to and say hello, as I made my way to the main hall. The corridors were a very light tint of orange with a hint of black. One corridor had the kingdoms flag hung upon a wall with great dignity; a black flag with an orange cross, the two lines going from two opposite corners to another two opposite coners. I hated the pride the royals had for their kingdom, especially due the mess it is in now.

I eventually made my way to the hall, the hall of which I met my 'mate'. "Ah Izuku, you are a little kate but I'm sire we will fox that in a matter of time won't we?" The queen smiled as she rambled on "Of course, you will have no excuse in the future as my beloved Katsuki will be with you the majority of the day unless he has royal duties but..." she stopped herself clearly aware of my almost stunned with confusion state "I can explain it another time, enjoy your day with Katsuki." She smiled before whispering to a servant.

I was then escorted to a black carriage with orange accents accompanied with two crimson eyes poking out of the window, the signature glare making its debute. I mentally groaned at this. I smiled to the servant "Thank you Miss Jirou!" I called as I stepped into the carriage. The interior was also black however the ever-so famous orange was nowhere in sight. I sat opposite the literal bomb of a man infront of me and stared out of the window.

The cart suddenly began moving and I heard a squeel. It wasn't a human or child however, it was corroded metal moving as if ut hadn't been moved in years. I suddenly jumped up and looked out of the window. The gates were open. I was no longer encased and tangled in the mess of snobbyness, mistrust, rivalry, plotting and the large white walls.

"Don't get so excited you useless sh't." A gruff voice spoke "What do you mean?" I meekly replied "I can see the glint in your eyes. You're not free you know." He scoffed "Unfortunately for both of us, we are stuck in an inescapable marriage unless you have an idea." My eyes widened as I shook mynhead rapidly. He couldn't know. He could tell his mother and have Ashido beheaded. "How could such a 'weak omega' like myself plan anything?" I teased "Oh shut the f'ck up you useless-" he stopped midsentence, his eyes lighting up with mischief

"That's it!" He laughed "I'll call you Deku. It's in your name anyway." I looked down towards the floor. The name was so familiar yet so foreign. I felt as if someone had already given me the name, as if a name tag had been given, snatched and then given once again. "Then I'll call you Kacchan." I softly remarked "No you will not." He stared me down angrily "So no calling me Deku." I smirked before continuing my viewing of the world outside. I sighed in contempt knowing he couldn't hurt me. No matter how much he wanted to he couldn't. It would dishonor him. Not only that, his mither would probably have him beheaded or punished, I could already sense tension between them and my passing would only light the keg thurther. She seemed fond of me anyway and Katsuki, or Kacchan, knows this and so I am safe for now.

"Your  majesties, we're here." A voice called as a carriage door opened

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