Page 01

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Day 1 -
Hello Mother. I decided after I left to keep a journal of sorts to give you so you can read of my adventures, like you did, with Kacchan - that's if it ever gets to you. Rain could very easily destroy the tiny book or I could just lose it and face the embarrassment of somebody reading all of this. I'm already wondering if this was the right decision. Hah...

The first day wasn't too exciting. Nothing to write home about - but I am, ironic huh? We kept travelling until sundown. The fields and surrounding mountains are so beautiful and lush! I'm sure you would have loved to paint them. I thought about sketching all of the blue, pink and ourple flowers I came across in a large patch of field. I'm a terrible drawer though - that and this pen is a pain to write with.

Kacchan made us set up camp in a dark forest, yay. The canopy covers the light almost completely and I'm not entirely sure if this is legible - I will have to see tomorrow, but I'm hoping I don't have to rewrite this entire page. My hand is cramping from all of the hard work and effort Kacchan has made me do. He may be nicer, but he doesn't seem to care about my broken wrist.

Right! I never told you how rude he originally was to me. Its a story for another time but he's much nicer now and I feel happy with him. Not in a romantic way! We did speak about the whole mate situation and decided to just remain friends. I like it this way too.

Our living situation is scuffed at best. We underestimated how long it would take to find the next kingdom over and spent tye majority of dusk picking berries and hoping they werent poison. They're the least bit nice and I miss your cooking. I would sacrifice anything to taste your food. Even if it was just a small scrap!

Anyways back on track... Kacchan tells me that when we arrive at the next kingdom the best thing to do is run some errands for money to stock up supplies. I don't think it will take too long - unless Kacchan gets lost again. He may praise himself and proclaim he is the best adventurer I could have gone with, but he has a poor sense of direction. I'm amazed he got us anywhere.

This entry may be quite short, I know. But I can barely keep my eyes open and it's far too dark to see what I'm even writing. I will be incredibly disappointed if my writing isn't even on the lines!* I hope you're having a good time, settling into a life of luxury.


*Yeah my writing is practically unreadable and wonky, but you managed to read my awful stories when I was five. Good luck with this!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05 ⏰

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