~Nijuu Ichi~

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Izuku's POV:

I was definitely not one for the forest. That was for definite. I had barely gone an hour and I was already exhausted. It was now more than ever I wished I actually played more often as an older teenager. I hadn't ran away from guards in years - and even then I'd be caught and sent home with a warning. Iida would be miles away by now, he was very fast as a child. I however, lack the energy to even run at a normal pace.

I leant against a tree panting. They surely wouldn't have suspected I had ran into the forest. I sat down and opened my satchel, taking a sip before returning it to its place, throwing the satchel over my shoulder once again. There should be an Inn nearby, maybe a mile or two away? The distance wasn't much of a problem anymore. I had probably walked about 5 miles. I couldn't really tell, Summer messed everything up. It was sunrise, so probably around 6:00am. I had been walking for roughly 8 hours?

My eyes widened at the number. I had walked that far? Perhaps I was still as athletic as my younger self. No, scratch that, it makes me seem old. Perhaps I was still as athletic as I was a few years ago.

I clumsily got up, my satchel nearly dragging me back down as it caught the twig of a bush, and began walking again. I couldn't have much rest until I got to an Inn. They could find me easily. They had surely noticed my absence by now. I wasn't suited for this nor royalty. I smirked at my own remark, finding it funny in a twisted way.


I had finally reached the Inn. My legs burned and my satchel felt like a boulder had been chained to my shoulder and slung over it. I missed the bakery more than ever, I didn't miss that gloomy, 'extravagent' jailcell however. The Royal family can shove it up their, as Kacchan calls it, a-

"Why hello!" A woman greeted me as she walked back to her position behind the counter. "I apologise for the wait, would you like a room?" I nodded vigorously. Even an Inn bed sounded luxurious at this moment. "A singular?" She asked. I nodded. "Could I get one as far from the entrance as possible? For safety reasons..." I nervously laughed. "Of course!" The woman reluctantly smiled, seemingly uncomfortable with this request.

"May I get your name?" "Do I have to put my name down?" I whispered, avoiding eye contact. "Legal requirements." She sternly stated "Izuku, Izuku Midoriya." The woman froze. Eyes wide and quill just above the paper, ink dripping onto said paper. She cleared her throat and began writing, confirming the sick, bellowing feeling on my stomach was called for. "How much will it be?" I asked as I fished for the bag of coins Ashido-San had had left on my dresser one morning. "Uhm... don't worry about it. We charge you on your departure."

An obvious lie. She handed me the keys and sent me on my way, down the endless corridors and into a small room labeled 22, the last room there.


???'s POV:

He couldn't be too far by now. He was on foot from what Ashido had told me. He can't outrun a horse such as Kasai. Kasai is, undeniably, the fastest horse to roam the earth. I had trained her, she had to be.

He was probably in Kosuu's Inn. It was the  closest to where he was headed. I could just demand for his room number, or I could find him myself. Knowing how dumb he is, he probably took one of the thurthest rooms he could get. A rooky mistake many make. He can't get away from me. I have to get to him before they do.

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