~Nijuu Go~

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No One's POV:

The greenette looked at the letter which had been delivered to her. The envelope was lightly wrinkled. "Must have come quite a long way." She thought outloud as she continued to inspect the letter. She hummed, accepting it wasn't anything harmful to her, and ripped the envelope open before taking out the letter.


Mrs. Midoriya,

I request your presence in the GyakusaTsu Kingdom with enough of your wonderful treatS for a party I aM throwing. i am painfully awarE it is quite a long distance away and May be the reason why you may not cOme. I will assure you, I will pay handsomely for your service and double for the Treats you bring.

I do Hope you do attEnd. It is being held at a rather Rickety inn by the name of 'Silver Nights'. Please do come, I am desperate.

Kind Regards, Uzuki Aydorima


The last name Aydorima struck the woman as odd. Did she even know anyone with such a last name? It sounded so familiar yet so strange.

Why was she fussing about such a thing? She would have to decide whether or not to go. Inko hurriedly grabbed a few things she needed, sprawling them on the kitchen table. She delicatley dipped her quill into an old jar of ink before hovering it over the blank paper.

Should she go? It is rather far away. Not to mention the location itself. It could be dangerous.

She hesitated, setting down the quill. Her thoughts were then interrupted as someone entered the bakery. She then quickly made her way from the backroom and to behind to till, greeting a woman with rose-brown hair.

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