~Jū San~

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Izuku's POV:

The rest of the walk was silent. I knew I could run at anytime and make my way to the Gyakusatsu Kingdom. Doubt plagued my mind however. These people suffered from the Queen's delusional ideals and seemed happier in my presence and almost at ease when talking to me. This could just be them acting however, due to how new I am to the 'royal life' and could just be a trick the Queen taught them to inhibit my plans of escape, like I had tried the first day. I often stared at the outskirts of the village, contemplating every second.

"Don't even try it." An angered voice huffed. I'm hummed in a fake form of confusion. "Don't play dumb with me. You wouldn't get far from the kingdom anyway only traders and those who are authorised may exit. Guards patrol the area." Kacchan sighed "Well you could come too?" I offered "You don't like it here anyway." "And where would we go?" Kacchan scoffed "To the Gyakusatsu Kingdom." I simply stated "No one will know our names." I smiled. "Blegh!" He faked throwing up "You sound like 'hero' from romance novels when he realises he can't get with the girl." He rolled his eyes "Better than... well-" I was cut off "You'll probably need me anyway." He scoffed "I'll come." "You don't have to-" I reminded him "Me and Ash..., uhm someone who shall remain anonymous, have planned my escape from the palace with the help of someone else." "I don't care. I'm comming." He begrudgingly replied

We then walked for awhile before I turned to him again. "If you're comming, have your bags backed by the day after tomorrow. That's when I plan to leave." I stated "Smart. The day of the festival hm?" He smiled lightly. "Perhaps you ain't as dumb as you look." He grinned before walking away.

I looked up to the sky. The sun was just around the middle of the sky so it was probably around dinner time. "Where will we go for dinner?" I asked "How about your mother's? We can get soke privacy instead of people gawping as us." He suggested as he tilted his head towards onlookers. "Oh okay." I agreed as we pushed through the crowds.

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