~Jū Go~

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No One's POV:

The two boys blindly stepped down the stairs. For once, Izuku found comfort in Katsuki being there, despite the fact he had known him for less than a week and was rather rude, and so tried to keep him in his sights.

They reached the bottom of the stairs, the screaming still evident. A guard was there, sword in hand. "Ah... your majesty." He grinned before bowing "I was just looking for you!" "Unhand her." Katsuki growled.

Izuku was shocked at his personality change within a few hours. Was it a rouse? Was be only being pleseant because they were in public?(was the author lazy af and forgot about their story arc?) Izuku suspected it was a mix of all of them. He knew royalty had a very fragile image they had to uphold. Being cold to your mate wouldn't help the image in the slightest and Katsuki would probably hear it from his mother.

"Yes sir." The guard stated before releasing Inko's forearm. "Do not lay your hands on a woman. I would expect more class from someone of superiority like yourself." He glared at the guard, who released Inko's forearm and lowered his sword. "Thank you, Katsuki." Inko whispered "We must go now. Please follow me to the carriage."

The boys obliged and sat down in the carriage. An icy silence in tow. This only solidified Izuku's thoughts. Katsuki would probably rat him out to the queen, and possibly allow punishment. Izuku would probably be locked in his chambers 'till the wedding, people only opening the doors to give him his food.

His mother had touched on this in her story, how the queen's father would lock her in her room growing up due to her distaste in soulmates. She even touched on another queen, a close friend of the queen's who betrayed her. Izuku knew his mother's story by heart. He was thankful he managed to swipe it and hide it - it was really just a small journal his mother wrote stories in for Izuku and yet he treasured one of the first ones his mother wrote; of the queen who fled.

Eventually, they arrived back at the castle. Izuku's heart ached to return to his mother, the guards had probably put her on their watch list due to her refusal to allow them to take Izuku back. Izuku not only feared for the worst, he feared for the best. His situation was not ideal. The only 'good' outcome would be to play obedient and marry Katsuki and eventually have his kids without a thought of running away.

He knew he would have to run away however. Marriage was not on his to-do list, nor would it ever be. (Can relate lol) It would be risky however, most kingdoms were allied with Nagasaki. He would have to listen to Ashido-San's advice and flee to the Gyakusatsu Kingdom not too far from here.

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