~Jū Shi~

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Izuku's POV:

We had finally arrived at my mothers bakery. She was rather glad to see us again - I had no idea as to why - and happily let us in. "I'll make some Katsudon if that's okay with you Katsuki?" My mother smiled. Kacchan nodded before she hurried off into the back kitchen.

We stayed silent for awhile, only the sounds of my mother fumbling in the kitchen could be heard. "Glad you suggested we come again." I awkwardly smiled. He hummed in response. "Do you know when we have to go back to the castle?" I asked "probably before sundown." He simply stated. "Then can we stay here until sundown? Your mother is very..." I began "Horrid? Wicked? A dipsh't?" Kacchan suggested. I awkwardly nodded. "Of course she's horrible. She's my mother." "But why so rude? Also what is a dipsh't?" I asked "It's a word I invented. I means you're very dumb." (Not historically accurate 👍😃) "nice to know. Your way with words is very... different." I smiled awkwardly as he gave me a glare.

The room began to fill with the sweet aroma of Katsudon; the smell of pork, eggs and rice filled my nose. I breathed it in with a heavy sigh. I suddenly heard a rather quiet wheeze. I looked over to the source; Kacchan. "What?" I asked "You miss actual food that much?" He continued to laugh "You're food just isn't as home-made as I prefer it." I rolled my eyes "Its just overly rich and uneeded." I simply stated. "That's my home-made." He stated before my mother walked back in.

"My, you two really are fit for one another." She smiled, tears in her eyes. It wasn't till then I noticed a book in her hand. "What is that?" I asked indicating to the book. "Just the story I wrote, remember the one I used to tell you." She smiled. I nodded. "It's such a fascinating story." I smiled "What is the story about?" Kacchan asked, seemingly interested. "Oh! It's about a wonderfull queen and her child who went missing." My mother smiled, almost a bitter smile. "Sounds very similar to..." Kacchan began before he was cut off by the dinning of the shop bell.

"Oh one second boys!" She smiled before walking away. A males voice was heard, shouting. I looked over to Kacchan, concern littering my face. He nodded as we both stood up and walked down the stairs, unaware of what we would walk into.

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