~Jū Ni~

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Izuku's POV:

"Ah! If it isn't Katsuki!" A dark-skinned woman smiled. She was very round and had very prominent cheek bones. She had golden eyes aswell as dark brown hair. I could only describe her as beautiful. She looked at me and managed to smile even more warmly "You must be this mate of his everyone had been talking about? I'm Sakura Ishida!" She smiled "Izuku Midoriya." I smiled back. "So. Is it the usual Katsuki?"

I looked at the woman carefully. She worked at a place for the poor and yet had the authority to call the Prince by his first name? Perhaps they were close?

I looked around the room. It was your typical cheap wooden building with damp patches and cracks littering the ceiling along with an uneven, slightly winding wall covered in stains of presumably tea and some sort of soup with a few small patches of red, probably jam, which had obviously been scrubbed in a panic. I looked back to see the woman grinning at me. "Say, I know a Inko Midoriya. Are you perhaps her son?" "Yes." I simply stated. Her grin grew even wider before she realised Kacchan was still there. "Ah, yes, sorry Katsuki!" She nervously laughed "How much this time ?" She smiled "82761.25¥" (around 880 Australian Dollars) Kacchan simply stated. "Thank you once again! It really helps us to feed those in need!" She grinned

I leant jver to the distracted man as he counted the coins in his pouch "Can we please leave after this? Ishida is making me uncomfortable." "Shut the f'ck up." He hissed back, his blood-red eyes glaring into mine "Sorry... sorry." I muttered.

I tried to look anywhere but where the woman sat. She seemed off. How did she know my mother? What does she know about my mother? If she has net my mother why have I never seen her? The questions circulated my brain as I stared at the floor. The same stains littered the floor like a train leading to an oddly placed bookshelf. It was placed in the far corner in the very centre of the room but nothing seemed to be around it.

"Oh that's what I use as a door to my house so thieves can't find it." The woman interrupted my thoughts, clearly aware that I was staring at the door "It's done now so feel free to leave - I have letters to return to." She smiled politely before grabbing a quill and dipping it into an almost empty jar of ink before writing on some paper.

I abruptly left followed by a very annoyed Kacchan. He glared at me as I turned my head to look at him. "You just had to look around didn't you?" He scowled "I'm sorry- I didn't know you liked her!"  I blurted out " Like her?!" He shouted "I just donate money! It doesn't mean I like her!" He snapped, making me flinch "Sorry!" I pleaded "I- I didn't know! I won't do it again!" He scowled before walking off. I stayed where I was for a few seconds before  an aggressive voice called "You comming or what?" I quickly rushed behind him, curling my demeanor and looking down.


Sorry this chapter is short. I usually aim for 1000+ words but this chapter is exactly 540 words. I'll try to make bigger chapters but it's very easy to spoil the plot

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