forty-five - "unknown territory"

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❝ unknown territory ❞

When Madeline lost Shane, she had trouble reconciling the things she had said to him in his final days

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When Madeline lost Shane, she had trouble reconciling the things she had said to him in his final days.

She had said things she wasn't proud of; thought things that would make her seem cruel. She had pushed him away with the thought that they would be able to come back together once things were better.

But then he died and she realized that he died thinking that she hated him. She would never get the chance to apologize or to rekindle their relationship. She had expected there to be time, like there had always been before.

She felt the same about Lori. Emily too. She had thought there would be more time to forgive and forget; to love and to grow together. She thought that Lori would get to watch her child grow and raise her the way she had no doubt dreamt about during the winter. She had thought Emily would still be by her side, offering those witty asides and helpful words like she had for months prior.

But the more and more bloodshed and death she witnessed, the more she realized that there was truly never enough time. Death came fast and it came absolutely. There was no amount of bargaining or praying that could undo the things already done.

So as she leveled her gaze to Merle Dixon, who stood locked in the common area of the cell block, Madeline Walsh decided that she wouldn't let her thoughts and feelings about him break apart her group. They would have to learn to live together, albeit maybe tensely.

The group came to the decision that they would stay and fight, something not everyone was too fond of. Some wanted to flee, others wanted to take the fight to the Governor's front step. Madeline was part of the group that wanted to stay put, defend what was theirs. They had conquered the place, they had shed blood and tears for the place. It felt like if they were to leave and let Woodbury claim the halls and sleep in the beds they had slept in, that they were disrespecting the lives of Axel and Oscar, of T-Dog and Lori.

And Madeline couldn't stomach that.

The cell block was quiet as the group dispersed, everyone headed either to their cells or to their post.

Madeline, however, hummed quietly to herself, swaying softly as she fed Judith. The baby had grown fussy after her nap, having been startled awake by the attack. But now she had settled down, her eyes once again growing heavy as she filled up her stomach.

Madeline walked around the cell block absentmindedly, thinking to herself. She thought of the best ways to fortify the gates and the entrances into the prison. She thought of Rick and his grief; of Maggie and Glenn and how this settling anger the latter felt was only going to deepen the wedge the original attack had created. But mostly she thought of Daryl and his brother, and of the dizzying feeling she had felt when he had called her his family.

𝐆𝐎𝐃'𝐒 𝐂𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐓𝐑𝐘 - 𝐃𝐀𝐑𝐘𝐋 𝐃𝐈𝐗𝐎𝐍Where stories live. Discover now