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Your diary was now full for the entire week. And it was only Monday. Conveniently. Each day there were at least 4/5 meetings with each being an hour long. An Goro Majima also expected you to fit him in time so he could eat & so trivial things. Like attend appointments with his doctor, attend appointments with his tailor, take Takeo to the vet, etc. He was a busy man.

You saw firsthand what it was like when Majima would partake in meetings with business officials. They were used to him being demanding yet level headed. His business skills were shinier than diamonds and his brain was sharper than a set of kitchen knives. He knew exactly how to diplomatically appease the opposing party whilst making sure he made no losses himself.

This architect was responsible for hoisting up the blue prints for Kamurocho Hills along with the inside. Each floor, the ground floor, the windows, the outside look. Majima's job with his construction company was to construct it.

"We've closed off West Park." Majima explained, you sat behind him in the corner taking careful notes. From your view behind, he sat at the head of the table despite not being the head of the meeting. This was the respect people held for Goro Majima. You hadn't realised that till now. "It'll take a few years to hoist it up. As soon as these blue prints are finished, it'll be started."

"What look is it you're going for?" A man to the right asked, he had light brown hair and wore a blue suit. His face was clean shaven, on his nose sat a pair of rimless nearly invisible glasses.

"I want this buildin' to look better than the milennium tower. And bigger." Majima flatly demanded. "If I'm buildin' it, it needs to look bigger an' better."

The man on the left nodded. He was a foreign western man. With shaggy hair that overhung on his head slightly into brown curls. Also wearing square narrow rimless glasses. His nose was pointy, his eyes were small and narrow. He was awfully tall. As tall as Majima who was also tall, maybe even taller. He wore a grey suit, top buttons undone and paid close attention.

Whilst also looking at you, sat in the background and pencilling things down intensely.

You looked beautiful. Wearing a black work dress that stopped at your knees and tied up around your waist with a belt that you put into a bow right on your tailbone. Short sleeved, hair curly, wearing your most luscious perfume which only lasted a few minutes in comparison to the rich smells in the room.

"The blue prints give exact measurements as to how big the entire structure should be. Japan is a country that is build upward not sideways. We also made sure that Kamurocho Hills has gentle springs at the bottom in case of an earth quake. This region of Tokyo seems to be prone to these kinds of natural disasters." The foreign architect spoke in very well versed Japanese with occasional pauses to think about his next word.

Majima nodded whilst looking at the blue prints. Admiring the careful detail the architect went through to make sure each measurement was accounted for. This was a detail Majima wanted. The man on the right was the Japanese representative of the architect on the left.

Once the architect himself saw that Majima was happy, he proposed to view the building site.

"Are we able to see the site, Mr Majima?"


And in the flurry of leaving the office, you were lumped up with the architect himself whilst Majima spoke to the Japanese rep of the architect. He was eager to speak to you and wanted to be polite.

"What's your name?" He asked with a genuine smile, showing his perfect teeth.

"Y/N." You answered bag, holding your bag in your hand and note book to your chest.

"Nice to meet you, I'm-."

"I know." You smiled. "I just sat in a meeting with you."

"Have you had a long day so far?" He asked with a considerate tone.

"No, it's been fairly quiet." You lied, fluffing the small talk.

"It's nice to have a day go at a steady pace, isn't it?"

"Have you been busy?" You asked, looking up at him as you all continued walking through the corridors.

He laughed elegantly. "I tend to only work on one job at a time. This is it at the moment. It's been tough getting the blue prints right. But I think I've finally done it." He crossed his fingers and whispered.

"I think so." You smiled. "It must be hard for someone of your age to work so hard."

"I'm only 28." He laughed. "Maybe I do work very hard."

"You're so young!" You were genuinely shocked.

"It's interesting to see my drawings come to life." He sighed contently whilst playing with his cuff links. Which were circular with a small white star in the centre. "Especially when the constructors get the vision right."

Whilst you all reached the vehicles, you walked off towards a separate taxi waiting for you. The architect frowned, following you. And Majima watched him with a frown, sharply.

"Where are you going? You're not joining us?" His face morphed into a sadness.

"No, it's time for me to go now." You smiled and put your stuff in the back seat, turning to face him respectfully. "It's been nice meeting you today."

"Hopefully we'll see each other again." The architect flashed an elegant smile and held the door open for you and shut it for you when you got in.

You were being driven back to Kamurocho to get lunch ready for Majima who was starving apparently. With your notebook in hand, you tapped your pen away and began thinking. Your mind ticking constantly. You were floating in your own world, watching the scenery roll by during the grey day. Looking at the trees, the people, the sky...


Digging through your back, you found your phone and answered it.


"Oh, hi." You answered with a smile. "Is everything okay, Majima-han?"

"Was that fuckwit hittin' on ya?" Majima curiously asked.

"W-what? N-no?" You stuttered with a frown sitting upright in the backseat of the taxi.

"I saw ya blushin' that's why." Majima laughed.

"I wasn't blushing!"

"I'm only messin'." He laughed. "What we gettin' for lunch?"

"What did you want?"

"Surprise me."

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