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It was like those books you'd read. Whereby the girl is stuck at her boss' house unable to get home. So she stays put and they both have passionate sex. As the rain beats down against the windows, they've finished more than 1 bottle of wine. Their clothes are in a trail to the bedroom, there's a creaking of the bed...

"I-I don't think that's a good idea, Majima-san..."


"No. W-we shouldn't."

"I think we should. Don't ya?" He pulled at your tights, melting them from your legs.

"M-Majima-san..." you whined as he pulled your legs apart.

But alas, it was the type of thing that only happened in movies. Right?

"I-I don't have any clothes..." you mumbled. "And I wanted to take a shower."

So he gave you a shirt, he gave you bottoms, he gave you a towel and he showed you where the shower was. He left you alone as you showered quickly. Majima's bathroom was directly attached to his bedroom as you remembered. It had glass doors and walls. With a brown tub sitting a singular object and a waterfall shower. It was a chamber.

What a topsy turvy few days it'd been. You were truly running wild with the way your life had panned out so recently. It was like floating. Truly. Being attached to someone so rich gave you shudders along your shoulders. You didn't know that these types of feelings came attached.

Once dried and wearing...his clothes...you went into the living area and saw Majima sat on the sofa. He was watching the weather broadcast, feet up.

"It ain't gettin' any better." He grumbled like a grumpy old man. "Gotta see what the schedule is."

You watched from behind him and caught his attention just in time. "It's quite busy."

"Oh? Gotta cancel them meetin's then."

"I'll get on it."

So you spent a majority of your evening rescheduling those meetings. Sending emails, phoning people, offering the next meeting at their earliest inconvenience, making small talk about the weather. Till..

"Ahh, is this because it's Goro-San's birthday tomorrow?"

You raised your eyebrows. Stopping dead still and turning to him as you saw him through the kitchen area, into his bedroom and out onto the balcony despite the rain. He was smoking. Somehow. And hadn't been completely ripped apart by the torrentially damaging storm.  His body was wet, he was getting wet but somehow it didn't phase him. The rain engulfed him like a warm enveloping hug.

"Yes." You flatly answered.

"It's nice to spend the day with your boyfriend." The buyer laughed.

You hung up the phone and on the pretence of "rearranging the schedule" you actually made phone calls to a bakery. Sending emails to a balloon shop. You wanted all of this to be done by...tomorrow morning. And you were so lucky because Majima was a heavy sleeper. It was hard getting him to sleep but once you did it was hard to wake him up. As far as getting him a gift? You didn't know what he liked yet. So birthday cake just had to do for now.

He agreed to sleep you in his spare room and you obliged. Happily waiting for him to sleep. It was a long process. You either heard him talking on the phone to someone, tossing, turning or walking around. While he did that, you changed into a nightgown that he'd given you. A large bathing robe which was black and hung heavily on your bare body. You decided to pay him a visit. Sneaking through the spare room and stopping by his door but frowning as you realised nobody was in his room.

"Now, ain't that funny?" A voice spoke from behind you.

You jolted, turning around and see him stood behind you with a glass of water.

"What?" You asked with your back against the wall.

"Seein' ya snoopin' around!"


"Everythin' ok? Storm got ya scared?" He asked in consideration.

"Y-yeah." You lied.

Big mistake.

You were coerced into spending the night in his room. Which was fine because his bed was large so you were both as far apart from each other as possible but this also meant that you couldn't really slip away without him noticing. And you were wearing a robe. With nothing underneath it.

So you both sat on his bed, beneath the window which had rain battering against it. Distorting the view of the outside world while providing minimal light indoors. His bed and bedding smelt exactly like his cologne which was so imperative because you liked that smell.

"Get some rest now. Hopefully the storms gonna clear up." Majima sighed. Laying back in his bed and stretching.

"Don't storms scare you?" You asked gently, turning your back to him.

"Far from it. It's peaceful hearin' God get angry like that."

"Hearing God get angry?"

"When it rains this bad, my mom always told me it's cos God's angry."

His mom. "What was your mom like? You don't really talk about your family..." you pressed.

"I ain't got one. Lost 'em years ago now. Been Lone Ranger ever since. Where's yer family?" He changed the subject.

"They don't...talk to me." You explained heavily.

"Why?" Majima turned to you even though your back was against him.

"I-I got pregnant at a young age." You admitted. "I-I was 1-19." You stuttered in your anxiety. "She's my entire world. I love her so much. B-but I couldn't look after her all alone and work."

"Where is she now?" Majima gently asked. He knew he delving into sensitive subjects and knew you'd either tell him or close off. He was prepared either way. To listen or comfort you. Some people wanted comforting, some people wanted solutions. It wasn't difficult to gauge.

"I-in an orphanage." Your heavy chest took a deep breath. "T-that's the only place I could keep her. O-once I was finished with this week I was going to use the m-m-money you gave me to adopt her legally."

Majima laid on his back and sighed. Swallowing the ever growing lump in his throat. His eye closed, his breathing regulated through his nose. He hadn't realised that he'd metaphorically put handcuffs on you. Being his secretary was a demanding job. He didn't...he couldn't...it was hard to comprehend. He felt...

"I ain't realise that."

"How would y-you? I-I never told you."

"What's her name?"

"Nanami." You smiled.

"Where's her father?"

"He didn't want to be her father. He left me when I was 6 months pregnant."

"Fuckin' fool..."

"Huh?" You turned over to face him.

"If I were him I'd be the happiest man on the fuckin' earth."


He shook his head. "Fuckin' shit bag." He grumbled and laid to rest.

And once you heard him snoring you began arranging everything. One by one you slowly let the balloons loose in his bedroom, letting them float to the ceiling and remain held still with their strings. It created the most beautiful ceiling. Full of different colours. As far as the living area, you decorated it with a box of flowers and birthday cake. You couldn't wait till morning.

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