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Mentions of sexual assault.

"I didn't know the budget. So I booked commercial flights." You explained. "In f-first class."

"I ain't the fourth chairman. He carts himself 'round in a jet. I ain't got one of them." Majima laughed. "Thanks." He smiled with his teeth.

"We stop in Doha, Qatar."

"Must be a long flight." Majima sighed to himself.

"W-why are we going to Spain?"

"I've got a meetin' set up with some business punk who wants to invest in Majima Construction even though it ain't a public firm." Majima rolled his eye.

"B-but how did he find out about you?"

Majima shrugged. "It ain't worth worryin' 'bout."


"Nah." Majima shook his head. "I ain't lettin' him invest. There ain't no need. I got my shit on lock. An' I don't need some foreign punk throwin' orders on my boys."

Somehow you both continued on without addressing the issue at hand. And in the days leading up to your little business trip you found yourself stuck in the midst of a rampage.

It was a somber day and you were working in the office. Typing something away while sitting with your legs crossed and at an angle, desperately trying to finish some sort of schedule for the business trip. Which could last no longer than 6 days max because Majima was a busy man.

Your phone rang and you answered it very mindlessly. You did that often.


"Y/N?" Majima asked, getting out of the backseat of the car and walking into Tojo HQ while buttoning up his silver suit. "Have ya managed to sort our trio?"

"I'm just planning the stay now."

"Found a hotel?"

"Not yet." You shook your head and past your laptop screen you saw Majima's office door open. Majima's office is where you were sat because he granted you that space to be able to work comfortably.

A man with an unknown face was stood there. Wearing a black attire and his face donned with a hideous scar that ran over his eyes. Somehow his eyes were still intact and functional. It was as if he'd been skinned above them. Both of them. Within his hand he had a knife. A large one which was somehow thin but long.


"W-who are you?" You asked the man. Not recognising such a horrific appearance.

"Y/N?" Majima asked in one ear.

While you listened to the man in front of you with another.

"Please put down the phone." The man instructed in a smoke and alcohol inflicted voice. Deep and disgusting.

"N-no." You held yourself stern but somehow you managed to crap yourself on the inside. You were shitting bricks.

"Please?" The gruesome man asked kindly.

Majima stopped dead in his tracks, having now reached the steps of HQ, with the ear to his phone. Patiently and eagerly listening to what was going.

"Y/N? What's goin' on?" Majima asked again, intently listening to the commotion.

"No." You fought back.

"Then I guess I'll have to take it off you." The man played gently having now reached in front of you and towering over you. The only thing that separates both of you was Majima's surprisingly clean desk.

"P-p-patriarch Majima? The meeting is about to begin." A guard advised right where Majima was stood.

Majima continued to listen to the commotion.

"Are you on the phone to your boyfriend?"

"M-m-maybe I am."

"Is his name Goro Majima?" The man asked with a frown on his pale eyebrows. He was bald, with no hair on his face.

Majima's eye widened as he bolted back to the car in lightning quick time, abandoning his Tojo meeting in its entirety. There was someone in front of you who was going to hurt you & not only that, there was someone in his office.

His driver was pulled from the car and Majima drove as fast as he could through the traffic and away from the building. Not bothering with his seat belt or any other precaution. He still had his phone to the ear, listening intently to the conversation.

"Surely you know that. I-I-I-If you walked into his office?"

"You'd think." The man smiled with grotesquely aligned teeth.

You'd come at the wrong time. There was nobody else here apart from you. So if you screamed then nobody would hear you. You weren't trained in weapons or even fighting so this was basically you shooting yourself in your foot.

"Now. I need some documents." The man finally got to work. "And you'll have to give them to me."

"W-w-w-which documents?"

"I want the contract which details the price of Kamurocho Hills."

"I-I don't have access to those documents." You lied. You did. They were right under your nose and wedged between a think black plastic wallet holder amongst other documents.

"If anyone does, it will be you."

"N-n-not necessarily."

In our modern day and age a woman's primary fear isn't chipping her tooth, the colour of her hair, a spot on her face or even breaking a bone. With the world we live in now, a modern woman's modern fear is being assaulted. Whether it's by a young man or an old gentleman. Whether it's by a store clerk or a janitor. Whether it's by their teacher or their therapist. Whether it's by a relative or a complete stranger.

This man reached over the table and grabbed you by your throat, squeezing the air out of you. But the hold was so strong, you found yourself being forced down on the desk and unwillingly bent over. With your perpetrator behind you, trying to undo his trousers. By this point, you'd accepted your incoming assault.

With the swing of the door you and the man forcing you down onto the desk both looked up, seeing Majima stood in the doorway. A deep frown on his brow and his mouth agape in sheer anger.

"H-h-hi." You squeaked like a little mouse, looking up at Majima.

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