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When you got to the apartment the next morning to work, you saw Majima asleep on the sofa with a bottle rolling next to his hand which overhung off the sofa. So you decided to take Takeo out for a walk to go to the toilet.

Takeo was a lot stronger than you and didn't care so much that you were struggling to control him. You just continued to walk him to the nearest park armed with doodoo bags. Majima often controlled his lead well and Takeo knew when Majima was walking him versus when someone else was. So more often than not Takeo would be stuck by Majima's side without a lead.

Nonetheless he got you home in one piece and you saw that Majima was now in the kitchen, suited & booted. Quite a stark difference to laying shirtless on the sofa.

"I wondered where Takeo went." Majima smirked, grabbing a glass from the cupboard. Presumably to fill it with water and a vitamin solution.

"Hi." You smiled and removed Takeo's lead.

"What did ya wanna talk 'bout?" Majima asked curiously, now focusing entirely on you.

"Uh..." your breath stopped. You stared at him in a flush. The type you get in the summer when the warm breeze hits you like a wave of water.

"It seemed urgent."

"W-what are we?"

Majima looked at you with a frown. "Huh?"

"W-w-what are w-we?" You repeated.

"In what way?" Majima asked. His face usually morphed into that frown. Where his upper eyelids were low and his mouth rolled open like a set of blinds.

"I-I don't know. Y-y-you do so many things for me. I-I couldn't ever r-r-repay you."

"Nah, ya couldn't. An' to be honest, I don't give a shit."

You frowned now.

"It's very easy fer me to make money off ya but I think everyone deserves happiness." Majima shrugged. "An' families are very important."

You felt your heart swell with kindness. It was so unusual that in a place like this, a man like this could be ever kind. You'd only seen the harshness of this world and weren't accustomed to nice things. It was a tough one to crack.

"B-but we've had s-s-sex."

Majima laughed, like a hyena almost. "And? I've had sex with many women."

You felt your kindness grow into anger. Slowly. Like a seed planted with good intention that raised to a horrid, putrid plant.

"S-so that's what this is about?"

Majima stopped laughing and stared at you. Almost through your entire soul and your entire body. Like he could see the wall behind you right through you.

"I have a child of my own." Majima announced partially proudly but partially ashamedly.

"W-w-what do you mean?"

"He's a big lad. I ain't ever met him before. But I found out that he's been runnin' to other families an' borrowin' money off 'em." Majima explained. "He's a rocker."

"A rocker?"

"A rockstar." Majima shrugged. "His music is everywhere."

"I-I didn't know."

"Me neither." Majima closed his eyes and sighed.

"And w-w-who's his mother?"

"Back in the 80's I used to run a cabaret club." He sighed again in almost trauma as he found himself reliving a past he tried to forget. "Not by choice. I fucked somethin' up an' that was my punishment. She worked for me."

"What w-was the club called?"

"Cabaret Grand."

"My o-old manager u-used to talk about it."

"Yeah, doesn't do as well now but Sotenbori was my ol' stompin' ground." Majima shrugged. "I ain't realise she had a child."

"D-d-does he know you're h-his father?"

"Nah, when I saw him he was too out of it to pay attention. I weren't gonna tell him somethin' like that without him being sane."

"W-w-w-where is he now?"

"Rehab somewhere in America."

You could only look at him while he poured his biggest worries out to his closest companion. The fact that he had a child who was in his 20's showed a good insight into this man's past as a womaniser who was probably depressed. Bubble Japan was incredibly luscious and so was the yakuza playground of Sotenbori/Kamurocho. It made sense to you. You didn't hold anything against him. You empathised with him. You did however revaluate exactly what your relationship was with this man.

Evidentially he wasn't able to have more than one focal point. Which would be difficult for you if you were to ever fall in love with this man. He just couldn't have more than one priority at one time. Some people are just made this way. He was the type of man who would prioritise what's in front of him rather than his phone going off. You on the other hand, weren't like that.

"I see." Is all you could say.

Majima straightened his relaxed posture, standing up right and tall. "I ain't a saint. I make mistakes. But I need to repent 'em if I wanna go heaven, y'know?"

You nodded weakly. "I guess."

You reminded him of his schedule and left. The air was incredibly slow and cold. The wind was icy and shook you as you walked home. Tonight was probably going to snow.

Majima knew that letting your feelings down like this was probably easier than leading you on. Of course he had feelings for you but by dismissing the topic all together he had planted uncertainty in your mind which meant you wouldn't dwell on it anymore. And that way, you would never try and do it again. For your own sake of course. The backwards psychology made sense.

It did snow that night and everything halted once against within reason. Majima was stood on his balcony naked, drinking and you were fast asleep. The time read 1:47am. The city was still wide awake but the streets were quiet and littered with the odd person.

Alcohol didn't affect him much. But it did make him loose control of his common sense. Despite having a phone in his pocket, he put on clothes and went to the nearest payphone.

Your phone rang. You stirred and groaned.

"Hello?" You answered half asleep.

"Y/N?" Majima asked with his head against the plexiglass wall of the square payphone booth.

"Hmm?" You mumbled with your eyes closed.

"Can I see ya?"

"It's late..."

"It's ok, I'll be there in a few minutes."

You put the phone down and unlocked your door, then crawling back to bed. You didn't really know what was going on. You were asleep. You were tired. You didn't pay attention. You went back to bed. You tucked yourself in.

Majima pushed the door to your apartment open and noticed that everything was sleeping and everyone was still. He saw you asleep.

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