Sea Walk

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Sea Walk

Blissfully unaware is what you were. And when Majima was sitting in his bathtub stressfully smoking a cigarette surrounded (waist down) with bubbles, his mind was frantic. He was so pleasantly confused but also very angry. Very angry. Above all, it wasn't personal. Clearly it was a marvellous coincidence.

After getting out of the bath, Majima heard a knock on his door and was now pleasantly surprised. With his towel wrapped around his waist and Takeo by his side, he trudged to his front door. You were stood there, in your pyjamas, face puffy and swollen.

"Y/N?" He let you in straight away and sat you down as you struggled to breathe. You were hyperventilating and Majima immediately swung his arm over your shoulder to comfort you. "What happened?"



"I just don't want to be with him anymore." You cried, you bawled like a baby.

Holding you very close, Majima rest his chin on your head as you continued to cry into his shoulder. From Takeshi picking you up that night, what could've possibly happened in the short 2 hours? Instead of pushing, Majima just held you till you felt ready to talk to him. But you never did. You just said thank you.

"Thank you." You wiped your eyes gently and went to stand up.

"Nah, where are ya goin'? Ya can't just stroll in, cry an' then leave..." He pulled you back down by your hand. "Talk to me, Y/N. Ya can't just stroll in and not say anythin'. What's happened?"

"He w-went to h-h-hit me."

Majima frowned.

"We'd a-a-argued about s-s-something. I was t-t-t-tired." You sighed in your hands.

Majima saw how you were working yourself up again. "Alright, alright. Don't talk 'bout it." He gently shushed you.

"I-I'm sorry."

"Don't apologise." He gently reassured. "Yer always welcome 'ere."

Later that night, Majima ran you a bath and forced you to sit in it. Soaking your entire body to remove yourself of built up tension and stresses. He sat with you, stroking your hair as your back lay against the claw foot tub and sighing as you stared out of the window into the city below. You were half asleep and half awake. Mellowing out into exhaustion and how far gone you were truly. It was tiring. You were tired tonight.

It was night time and the lights behind you both in the bathroom was low. So the city reflected against you both to keep you well lit. Nonetheless you found your hooded eyes closing and staying closed a lot longer than they were open. Somehow sitting in a bathtub naked with your boss stroking your hair wasn't bothering you today.

Gaining enough energy to dry yourself, you sunk into the bed you were sat on. Which was Majima's. Slowly you fell back and you were drifted off within minutes. Majima tucked you in and went to leave but this time, sleepily, you pulled his hand.

"Why don't you stay with me?" You grumbled with your eyes half closed.

Majima shook his head. "Nah, I've got work to do."

"It's really late..."

"Get some sleep."

Slowly you let go of his hand and he disappeared into the living room with Takeo next to him. The cards were stacked and fell in his very direction. He was happy, hiding it behind his genuine concern.

The next morning when you felt your brain awake, your eyes remained closed. But you felt your limbs and knew it was time to wake up. Expecting the square ceiling to the high risen apartment. You were pleasantly surprised to see a larger square ceiling with dots of lights stuck into it. It wasn't the bed you remember sleeping in, nor the room. It looked like a hotel room. With a marble dresser to your feet, a sofa to your right as well as 4 circular windows. The light coming in was predominantly blue and you could gently hear white noise.

"Nice to have you onboard, miss." A lady bowed as she entered the room.

You were still laying in the bed, not moving but looking around. She brought in a rolling cart which had an elaborate spread of breakfast. The thought made you nauseous but visually it looked nice. Your eyes were hungrier than your body.

The lady then laid a white towel robe for you. "Enjoy your day."

The last thing you remembered was falling asleep in Majima's bed. So, you couldn't fathom where you were or who was around. Till the door pushed itself open again and in came a familiar large dog. Jumping on you in the bed and licking your face.

Now you had to wash your face. But it was blurry and you didn't even know where to begin finding Takeo's owner.

Majima was sat out on the aft, sunglasses on and wearing his own robe. Sat directly angular to the Architect. Who was wearing shorts, sunglasses and slippers.

The world of Goro Majima was extremely callous. But he enjoyed some luxuries. Especially when it meant putting someone important in the hot seat. He knew how to round off an important deal in elegance. This was one of them. The Architect was due back to the UK soon, Majima wanted to sweeten him so that he was willing to return. Outdoor meeting?

The crew mate showed you to the aft where you saw both men sat. Majima lazily with his robe loosely hung around his body and The Architect. It was incredibly personal. Maybe you should wait?

"Y/N." The Architect perked up, spotting you a mile off. His hair wet from diving, his body also wet. Very well built and clean. Not as built as Majima and not nearly as decorated. But still very nice.

Your loyalty lay with your boss. (?). So you went and sat next to him, interjecting yourself into this new meeting.

"Whaddya think, Y/N?" Majima asked, arm over you and staring straight at the architect. "Should we kill him?"

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