Golden Hour

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Golden Hour

The flight had been incredibly bumpy for both of you. Majima wasn't used to sitting down for so long and neither were you. But when you both landed in Barcelona the first thing you felt was incredible heat. It wasn't humid, it was just beautifully warm and tropical.

Being abroad in another country was a weak point for Majima. He was forced to travel without anything apart from himself. Often he took his tantō with him whenever he went. Yet due to airport security he wasn't able to do so. So, he was meeting an unknown source without any method of protection. Thankfully he was a splendid fighter.

This warm and luscious weather made you desperately want to get your bikini out. While being driven to your hotel, your phone rang.


"Y/N?" Andreas asked. "How was the flight?"

You looked over at Majima who was asleep with his head thrown back. "Difficult."

"I'm sorry about that. I've heard it's a very long flight. If there's anything you guys need please call me. My Boss is willing to meet tomorrow at 11:30. At our villa."

"Your villa? Where is that?" You dug through your bag and got a pen & paper.

"I'll text you the address. I'll see you tomorrow."

"See you tomorrow." You hung up.

Majima stayed asleep.

In order to accommodate the weather you wore a blushing pink blazer dress with no sleeves and heels. Majima insisted to wear his red shirt and black trousers. Despite the sun. Both of you donned with sunglasses due to where the sun sat and how unfiltered it was. The driver was the same as the one yesterday and this villa was near the coast.

It was a Noucentista style house which was visible through extremely long and luscious trees. When you both walked through you saw the grandeur in its glory. Sitting there amongst the sun. Elegant steps led straight up to a small diamond shaped water fountain and then further led to the large square door, housed in a square patio.

You couldn't help but marvel at how luxurious it was. You saw things like this in magazines and movies but never in person, you didn't think you would see it with your own eyes in it's person. With the sound of seagulls and flowing water, you felt the green grass beneath your feet despite wearing shoes.

Majima didn't seem nearly as bothered by this luxury.

Holding your bag and a folder with your other hand, you stood beside Majima who went to knock the door. But before he could the dual doors opened.

Stood there revealed a man who was your height and smaller than Majima. A man with an African skin tone and hair that was very short and skin faded. He only had a a thin line on the top of his full dark lips as well as a stubble but only on his chin. His eyes were dark and mysterious but on his lips lay a nice smile. With a black shirt on his chest, black trousers on his legs, black does on his feet and a black belt around his waist; this man introduced himself.

"Hola!" He smiled revealing such perfect teeth. But you noticed a chip in one of them which you wouldn't have noticed on a glance. It wasn't alarming or deflecting. It suited him. "It's Mr Majima?"

You nodded. Andreas turned to you.

"And you're Y/N?"

You nodded again. Besotted by the thick London accent that you'd been hearing over the phone for the last few days. It was now enticing you fully in person. Seducing your ears and your body.

Needless to say Andreas was also attracted to you. Or "feeling you" as people in London had began saying. He was enjoying the way you looked for the weather and how the big sunglasses made you look glamorous.

"Welcome to Spain!" Andreas greeted again. "Please follow me."

You couldn't believe how attracted you'd suddenly gotten to this man. He had such a positive vibe and a heart stopping smile which shone through his entire body. That and his skin tone was so beautiful and rid of any imperfections. Like smooth velvet.

The house, despite looking old, was modernised with minimalistic furniture and a decor style which focused on necessities rather than luxuries. It was nice and well lit, well accommodated to allow plenty of natural light with hints of green.

And out the back lay a garden which looked like a maze intertwining along a crystal & brilliant blue swimming pool. Further back into the garden lay a sheltered area tucked away by the large and lush greenery. It had a table, chairs, a spread on the table. And a man sat at the table.

Through this golden hour was when the meeting took place. Allowing all of you to look your best and experience the Spanish sun in its glory. You all had skin that reflected the sun brilliantly. Especially Andreas, who's brown skin looked like it had been kissed by sun.

"Boss, Majima & Y/N are here to see you." Andreas introduced.

The Boss stood up and had a thick brown cigar in his mouth. With slicked back salt & peppered hair, a white shirt that had its buttons loose and brown slacks with matching shoes. His face wasn't nearly as attractive as Andreas. But he introduced himself and bowed in front of Majima. Which you knew impressed him.

"Majima, my name is Diego Méndez." Diego introduced, entirely in Japanese. Which also impressed Majima. "I'm so honoured you could join me. Please sit."

You all sat down apart from Andreas who stood behind his boss.

"So, what's this 'bout?" Majima asked, getting comfortable. And not removing his sun glasses.

"I heard you're constructing a big building." Diego began, continuing to smoke his cigar. "Japan is a beautiful place."

Majima, who was unimpressed, shifted in his seat. Meanwhile, you sat upright.

"I am." Majima confirmed. "Very tall."

"I'd like to buy this amazing building from you when it's completed." Diego explained. "You see, I'd like to expand my horizons and venture further into the world. Spain? It's beautiful, it has so much history. But I need more."

Behind your sunglasses your eyes kept flicking to Andreas who remained poised and steady.

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