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"K-k-kill him?" You asked wide eyed and potentially photophobic with the bright unfiltered light dazzling off the middle of the ocean. You were on a yacht.


The Architect was extremely cool and collected. Like those perfume adverts which depict a handsome man splashed with the water soaking off the Sea of Japan. Wet from the activity, full bodied from the work out, breathless from being kissed by his lover and extremely passionate.

"Kill me?" The Architect asked. "What for?"

"I told ya very clearly..." Majima let go of your shoulder and leant forward. "I don't want anyone buildin' a buildin' like the Kamurocho Hills unless it's me doin' it." He poured himself a glass of orange juice.

"And I understood that." The Architect explained. "That's why I've copyrighted the prints and you're the sole owner."

"So why am I hearin' that some other company has duped the blueprints? I'm plannin' on sellin' the buildin' as soon at it's up."

"Which company, Mr Majima?"

"It don't matter!"

You were surprised by Majima's sudden erratic paranoid behaviour. It caused you a great deal of confusion and stress at how suddenly he was flipping out.

Then he burst out laughing hysterically.

You frowned. "What on earth are you doing?" You stood up. "Y-y-your acting silly!"

Unable to see him right now you stormed off across the deck and down below to the room you were once in. But you might have taken a confusing tumble and sprained your ankle because deep within it you felt a horrific sharp pain. Now in a bundle at the bottom of the stairs, the stewardess rushed over.

"Ma'am, are you okay?" She asked in care with her hand on your back.

"I think I've twisted my ankle."

"Okay, let's get you to your room."

But walking caused incredible pain in the part where your foot met your ankle. That small little bit. It throbbed and you noticed it starting to swell. The stewardess placed you down on your bed gently and assessed your foot. You wiggled your toes nicely but twisting your ankle caused the actual foot itself to hurt.

The stewardess managed to put ice on it fairly quickly and assessed it. "I think you may need to go to hospital."

"It can't be that bad surely?"

"I'll get Majima-san."

You inwardly groaned and when the door reopened Majima appeared with a concerned frown. "See what happens when ya walk off with an attitude?"

You crossed your arms from where you were sat looked the other way as Majima sat on the bed next to your foot. Slowly removing the ice wrapped in a white cloth from your burning ankle.

"Does it hurt?"


"Can ya wiggle yer toes?"


"It ain't turnin' purple yet." Majima observed. "Yer gonna need rest."

"W-w-why did you threaten to k-kill the architect?" You asked curiously.

Majima smirked. "Ya gotta make sure nobodies fuckin' with yer enterprise. I weren't gonna kill him, I just wanted to make sure."

"There's o-o-other ways of doing that, Majima."

"This is the most efficient. Don't worry, I ain't ever killed anyone." Majima lied and stood up. "Can ya walk?"

"Not very far. Why?"

"We gotta get ya back to land. Yer gonna need a doctor."

So back to land you went with a helping hand and Majima by your side making sure you were not putting too much pressure on your foot. Your human walking stick. You oddly felt reassured by the fact that you weren't in the presence of some crazy, psychotic killer. Or so you thought.

In the doctors office you reluctantly got your ankle assessed and were advised to take rest due to the sprain. The reason you were so reluctant was because of the fees. But Majima assured you that your job covered your health care too.

"If you keep walking, it could get worse." The doctor explained after showing you your X-rays.

"So there's nothing wrong."

"No, bones are all intact. It's very fortunate." The doctor pulled out a small book from beneath his table. "I've ordered strict bed rest."

Armed with a sick note, Majima took you back to his apartment as you hobbled and put you down on the sofa with a bag of ice wrapped in a hand towel draped over your ankle. Majima then fell on the sofa back first and sighed deeply, his arms thrown over the backrest and his head thrown back.

"I'm not sure how I'll be able to work." You mumbled in disappointment.

"Welcome to workin' from home." Majima yawned widely, blinking away the tear that had built up.

"W-w-what do you mean?" You asked in confusion.

"Workin' from home. Answerin' emails, calls, texts...all from here." Majima explained while looking at you. "It's more common then ya think."

"Where will you be?"

"Me? Right beside ya!"

"Huh? W-why?"

"To get ya what ya need! Come on, ya can't walk. If ya try it'll make it worse." Majima reasoned. "Now," he turned to you. "Ya can't move, so tell me. What happened with yer boy?"

"H-h-h-he tried to h-h-hit me." You tried to explain. "I-I don't know why."

Earlier, aboard the yacht.

"S-sir?" Takeshi bowed with his hands on his knees as if someone were forcing him. "You called for me?" He was shaken up by the fact that his patriarch had called him. The man he considered a god.

"Yeah. Having troubles with yer lady?" Majima curiously asked behind his sun glasses while pouring some water for himself.

"Troubles? Yeah, last night actually." Takeshi admitted. He truly believed he was talking to a god because this man had managed to know about the issues that he was having. He was truly almighty.

"Oh?" Majima prompted.

"She just wasn't listening, sir. So I tried to teach her."

Majima looked at Takeshi, with an anger that was hidden with sunglasses. "Teach her? How did ya try an' do that?"

"I went to slap her. What would you have done?"

Majima sat back. "Well I wouldn't hit my woman." He then stood up and walked over to Takeshi who was now stood up right and stiff. "Especially when the women yer hittin' is my secretary."


Majima grabbed Takeshi by the neck and pushed him to the barrier, throwing him overboard with great ease. Nishida was present and came running over with urgency. All the while Majima looked down at the blue water and saw Takeshi's head Bob up and down.

"Make sure ya cut that tattoo out of his back." Majima instructed. "It cost me alotta money."

A mortified Nishida reluctantly agreed.

Sprained my ankle today whilst running to a meeting. I feel incredibly sheepish. Ha! Enjoy.

- Cleo.

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