The Sweetest

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The Sweetest

Majima had no idea how to pursue this. It was almost alien to him. While he stood over you and pondered on what to do next, his phone rang in his pocket. Not wanting to disturb you, he walked back out an answered it. Soft gentle snow fell onto his head, they looked like little white specs of glitter. It flurried, dusting his hair gently.

"What?" He asked, quite rudely in fact.

"Goro?" A woman asked.

Not knowing who it was, Majima removed the phone from his ear and checked the ID. It was none other than Torii.

"My husband isn't home..." Her silky soft voice purred.

"Yeah? What's that gotta do with me?' Majima grumbled impatiently like an old man.

'Well I thought we could have sex tonight?" She suggested very non elegantly.

And so Majima decided to play into the idea of not really taking his relationship with you any further than just professional. He shut your door and made his way to Torii's apartment. Not to mention, her husband was some patriarch of a low family working within another large family. Majima was known for having a particular attraction towards married women but if you ever asked him then he would say that he did not know they were married. The lies were endless in order to cover up the bitter truth. He wasn't solely to blame, the women also were cheating on their respective husbands. To say he didn't enjoy it was a lie, he loved it, he loved every single part of it however he would never ever admit that and his entire family kept this under wraps. They knew he was a man with a specific type of pleasure.

But on the drive over, something felt off. Usually he would throb just on the journey over to one of these hook ups, he would be aching and his trousers would grow right. Yet...this wasn't happening? Performance anxiety? Yeah, yeah...that. The sleeping vision of you did not leave his mind. Majima was somewhat fascinated by the idea of somnophilia. Being so sleepy that you're unaware yet still wet because you know what he's doing. Now that...that made him throb. You, fast asleep and his hands down your night dress.

It was the thought of you that he was taking with him. Nobody else. And while you were the one he wanted to pursue, it was just not the best circumstances. This was a purely professional relationship. He wasn't prepared to compromise that despite the intention. So on the drive, he rang you.

"Hi! It's Y/N, assistant to Goro Majima of Majima construction. I'm a bit busy at the moment so leave a message."


"Hey, it's me. I ain't comin' over tonight as Takeo is havin' issues." And he hung up. Hopefully that would suffice.

The drive to Torii's place was depressing. It felt deflated with a hint of bore. Almost as if it were his cock taking him there and nothing else, he didn't know how to handle this wave of emotions. It also felt surreal. That he had the capability to even feel such tender feelings however it wasn't unusual, they just rarely appeared.

The next morning when you woke up you listened to the voicemail and felt confused at the fact that he couldn't make it. You thought this would finally be the moment where you both had sex and confessed undying love for each other. Alas, that was the easy part. So you reported to him as you usually did. To his apartment, first thing in the morning.

He was in the shower and by now had grown accustomed to your visit. So the apartment door was left open and the sound of the shower running was heard all over the apartment and oddly enough you could smell the water. You laid your agenda out, your phone, your pen and waited patiently. The glass was in the sink upside down so you knew he had taken his vitamins. His suit was hung up and waiting to be worn so you knew he wasn't going to take long. Takeo was laying by the door and had been disciplined into not jumping on you, so he ran to you and sat by your feet.

It was very cold this morning. The change in air pressure meant you were feeling stuffy. Your nose felt swollen and your eyes felt sore. Nonetheless, work had to be done. You closed your eyes and felt a throb. Maybe you needed glasses?

"Good mornin'." His sultry deep voice spoke from behind you as he walked out with just trousers on. No shirt, no socks, just trousers.

You got off your high chair which was placed at the kitchen island and stood in front of him, bowing. "G-g-good m-m-m-morning."

"What's the agenda?" Majima asked while disappearing into his room, probably to get dressed.

"You have a meeting with-"

Majima interjected. "Can the entire schedule be cleared? There's somethin' I need to take care of."

You were taken aback visibly but he wasn't in the room now so you could be without provoking any kind of emotion. "Um..."

When he sensed your hesitation, he instantly appeared. "What? Am I seein' the chairman?"


"Then it can be rescheduled."

"Y-yes." You obeyed.

"Think of it as a free day."

When you weren't shifting and remaining still, Majima looked at you while putting his cufflinks in. As impatient as he was, he then leant on the island with his elbows and looked at you. "Is there somethin' wrong?"

But you wanted to spend time with him, bond with him, let him take the lead while you could pursue him. The thing is you both weren't exclusive which could have possibly caused problems. This is what you were thinking however it wasn't always the correct mental track. But you continued to look at him. How could you forget that you'd both had sex together? Was sex really such a small part of his life? Were you just over thinking it? You continued to look at him. Admiring the hollows of his cheeks and his face, his hair, his Adam's apple.

"No.." you trailed slowly, shaking your head.

"Are ya sure? Ya might be havin' a seizure."

"I'm f-f-f-f-fine."

He raised a brow.

In between you both on the counter top lay an array of kitchenware.


Hey guys, i'm back! It felt like ages but i'm here now!!! And guess what? I'm here to stay

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