Chapter Twenty-Three (New Chapters)

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Blake shivered, feeling the slight dampness of her shirt against the skin of her back. Blake was always a bit of a weakling when it came to the cold. Jane went ahead with a sayonara, leaving Blake to walk on her own across the track, which she didn't mind. At least with the exertion from running, the cold air was soothing on her red cheeks.

"Why aren't you running?" she lifted her head suddenly at the voice, realizing Zach was there, slowing down to walk beside her,

"J-just tired" she responded quickly, glancing at his rising and falling chest "Doesn't you're a-asthma act up?" she asked

"A little, but it's ok, I just can't push myself too hard" he responded, pushing his hair back. "I have my inhaler too just in case, but it tastes pretty bad so I try to avoid it" Blake smiled at his joke, stuffing her hands into the pockets of her basketball shorts.

"I'm s-surprised you're here, y-you don't usually participate in class"

"Well, Crane threatened to kick me off the football team if I don't at least pass gym this semester" she smiled up as did he down at her, walking peacefully. She glanced at him out of the corner of her eye, wondering what he was thinking exactly, what was he doing here? Walking next to her of all people? After all, they had barely spoken since she had transferred to his school. He must have some sort of agenda, most likely related to his feelings for Stella. "Hey-" he got her attention, making her head lift from thought, meeting his eyes "I wanted to ask you something" he almost looked a little nervous to her, of all things. She was intrigued, after all, she suspected that there wasn't much that would make the infamous Zachary Quintin nervous.

"Go ahead" she responded softly, inwardly praising herself for getting at least one line out in their conversation that didn't have her nervous stuttering tick in it.

"Are you-" he started, but the sound of a hit to the ground had her head snapping from his to ahead of them. She gasped at the sight of Lucian on the ground to the inner side of the track, covering her mouth in surprise.

"Lucian!" she called, hurrying to cross the track. She noticed his collapse had gotten the attention of the others, who ran over. She watched as two of the boys got down, helping him to the grass where he laid down on his back, chest rising and falling aggressively, his breathing raspy, looking as shocked as everyone else crowding him. She passed a few people, collapsing to the ground on her knees and coming up beside him, getting his attention. He looked like he was in so much pain, and it made her heart race. He looked up at her, with bright, alarmed eyes.

"Lucian, tell me" she grabbed his arm, trying to get him to sit up, but he stayed down.

"Bag" was all he could get out between his pants, suddenly leaning away from her, she grabbed his side, trying to control his shaking.

"Someone grab his backpack!" Mr. Crane yelled to the other students. He started coughing, his body almost convulsing as she tried to hold him still, gain some sort of control of him. Suddenly, he threw up the remnants of a sort of clear liquid into the grass. She was shaking almost as badly as him, her heart racing. The bag was dropped beside her and she ripped it open in a hurry looking for something, anything that could explain why he needed it so badly. And then she felt it, pulling out a blue pill bottle.

"Lucian! is this it?!" she asked hurriedly, holding it in front of his eyes. He nodded weakly, leaning back against the grass. With shaking hands she tried to open the bottle, managing to get the safety to let go and remove the lid. She grabbed the water bottle from the side pocket of the bag, unscrewing the cap.

"Zach, help him up!" Mr. Crane demanded. Blake watched as Zac hurried over, helping Lucian to sit slightly. Blake hurried to take off her jacket, wiping his mouth of the remnants of the clear liquid he had just thrown up moments before, placing the pill in his mouth and holding the bottle to his lips. She watched as he started to drink, leaning up more and grabbing the bottle over her hand. She let out a breath of pure relief, holding onto his shoulder to help keep him leaning up to drink. He drank half the bottle before letting it go, letting her help lean him down against his back. She folded her coat a few times to thicken it, making sure that the fabric with the clear liquid was properly hidden, placing her coat behind his head on the grass. She watched the rising and falling of his chest start to slow, making her all the more relieved. But, her heart was still beating vigorously in a state of panic. She was terrified, she may even have thought he was going to die.

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