Chapter Twenty-Two (New Chapters)

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So, one would have thought that happy endings were real, that all would be perfect in the world for a single moment, that all would fall happily into place and there would be no such thing as pain and hurt. But, that's only in stories, and she knew that. After a warm shower and laying in bed, praying the thunder wouldn't return and looking up at the roof of the dark room she called her own. She realized kissing that boy had been the worst mistake she had made thus far, she had condemned herself to a future of anguish and heartache. After all, the harder you fall, the harder it is to escape the hole one has dug themselves. And her hole had just gotten double the deeper. She was mad at herself for being so stupid, for allowing her emotions to dictate her actions and ruin everything. And so, closing her eyes with tears sliding across the skin of her cheeks, she went to sleep, vowing to start the process of trying to climb the hole before she was trapped inside, never able to escape.

He approached her the next day, but she was quick to rebuff, making the excuse of needing to get to class, hurrying down the hall with her books about to tumble from her hands. Eating lunch at the park across the street, slipping into the library, looking back to make sure she wasn't being followed and settled amongst the books, and placed her headphones to write her poetry.

I can't fall, I can't say goodbye

I keep myself at bay, as the world I live turns a murky grey.

The angel inside cannot die, the demon will never take the sky

And, as the people cry in reply to their end, I will fly high and keep the light in eye

And in came the time every day she dreaded, when it was so hard to avoid him because he was going everywhere she was, not by choice of course she didn't think.

"Hurry up!" Mr. Crane yelled as she stumbled across the gym floor, trying to catch up with the others with the stragglers. Again they had been forced into gym class instead of history because he wasn't there for one reason or another, she had no idea how her history teacher still had his job. At least she had Mikayla and Jane at her side, it would have been nice to have Janet too, but she rarely came to a gym class, insisting it was nothing more than a ploy by teachers to control the masses and build strong armies for when the apocalypse takes over and only the fit will survive and the rest will be sacrificed to the gods.

"Running outside will be good for you maggots! You're all weak! Like jello!" she sighed, pulling on her coat. Isn't this supposed to be a may-june thing? It's still cold outside! But, there was no use arguing with the man. As they headed out the back doors, she glanced around at the others, wondering if she was so invisible that she could just slip away to the library to be with Janet. After all, there were some benefits to not being the center of everyone's attention. She couldn't say the same for the boys though, glancing ahead and watching as Jace, Lucian, and Zach were walking across the frost-covered field with the girls surrounding them trying to converse about any excuse topic to just be near them. She looked away slightly, almost feeling a little sick to her stomach. We made it to the track in only a few moments and Mr. Crane was quick to yell that we do a warm-up run. Stella came up beside me, smiling.

"I thought I'd join you, since we both aren't going to actually run this thing" Blake smiled at her friend, walking together as people passed them around the oval dirt track.

"Whoever thought that physical activity in high school was a good idea, I wanna punch them" Mikayla came up, breathing heavily, grabbing Blake's shoulder to stay standing.

"You could always just walk like us" Stella responded with a laugh

"No, she can't" Blake claimed "She always has to do what she's told" she looked at Mikayla suggestively, who rolled her eyes, sticking her tongue out at her friend for her jokes. A few more steps of the three before Blake looked over at Mikayla's distracted demeanor. Mikayla met her eyes, looking unnerved.

"He's staring," she said quietly. Blake glanced around

"Who is?"

"Zach!" she whisper/yelled, pulling Blake to look. It was true, Zach was staring. But, once he seemed to realize the girls were noticing it, he was quick to avert his eyes. Strange

"It's probably because I'm here, man, that boy can't keep his hands off me!" Stella claimed with a laugh, wiggling her eyebrows. Blake did a little laugh, glancing at Mikayla, feeling a little uneasy. That was the moment when the sound of footsteps coming closer made her turn, watching as Lucian ran passed faster than she had ever seen him move before, sweat soaking around his hairline. Football must pay off.

"Why aren't you lazy people running?!" Jane came up behind them, going past them "You have legs for a reason!" she yelled behind her in a sing-song tone, making Blake smile, watching her friend continuing to run.

"I think I'll pass!" Blake yelled back, watching Jane turn back with a wink. Blake knew that look was a challenge, and Blake loved a good challenge.

"I'll see you guys later" she got into a run, heading towards Jane, who had slowed down to let her catch up. They lined up next to one another, getting down into sprinting position at the line, her hands against the freezing pebbles of the track.

"Eat my dust Collins" Jane snickered, and Blake rolled her eyes with a smile.

"Whatever Williams, we both know who the winner is here" Blake responded. After a countdown was called between the two, they were off. Blake ran as fast as she could, trying to ignore the pounding of her heart for more than just the exertion. After all, she clearly had two different boys staring at her, one for no apparent reason and the other one, well, a bit more justified but still weird. She passed the second line just inches before Jane, and they both fell right into the grass, breathing heavily with their chests rising and falling vigorously. Blake rolled on her back next to her friend, staring up at the grey, cloudy sky.

"This is so fucking cold" Jane claimed next to her

"I know" Blake responded, breathless.

"Now-" both girls turned their heads to the sight of Mr. Crane standing above them "If only you two ran like that during sprints!" the man stormed off with a clipboard in hand and his duffle bag he always had for some reason. Mikayla always insisted that the duffle bag was full of dead puppies, but Blake suspected Mr. Crane of being more a cat person.

"If only he shaved those damn nose hairs" Blake snorted at Jane's words

"I heard that Williams!" Mr. Crane yelled from his spot a few feet away "Get up! Both of you!" They sighed, struggling to get up from the frost-covered grass.

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