Chapter Three (New Chapters)

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"Bitch" he retorted, smirking at her as they walked towards school together. She huffed, glaring at Jace.

"Why are you such an asswipe?" she asked "Is it genetic?"

"You wish you could wipe your ass with me!" she raised her eyebrows, glancing at him in disgust, getting the strong urge to gag.

"You're disgusting" she responded, shaking her head and wondering what she had done to deserve crossing paths in this lifetime with such a stupid individual, let alone with him as a foster brother and the same age, forced into the same school classes and Karl making them walk to school together so they would learn to 'get along' as he called it. The thought made her eyes roll to the back of her head.

"And your disgustingly in love with me," he remarked. She pushed him away, watching as he stumbled into the road with his backpack, trying to regain his balance to her amusement. She couldn't help but wonder how many times he was dropped on his head when he was a child, and how much damage had it actually done? Because from her perspective, it seemed like a lot. "Would you just close your mouth? Don't open it again, for any reason, I don't care if you're dying. Don't open your mouth dear god" she exclaimed, grabbing at the strands of her hair and pulling at her scalp in frustration.

"It's not like you're any better, parading your childish prude persona around" she scoffed in disbelief, gasping in faux hurt at his words.

"You mean the opposite of you? Whore" he growled lowly behind his teeth, crossing his arms against his chest.

"I bet you couldn't even get a boyfriend Blake, you're much too chubby for that. You don't even have any guy friends, have you even spoken to a guy before? I mean, other than insulting me" Usually, Blake never put much thought into Jace's words, she was even prone to ignoring them completely, let alone having them affect her. But, those words, in particular, she couldn't help but a small pang of hurt starting a throb in her chest she couldn't ignore. Blake struggled with her weight a lot, she never liked how she looked, nor did she ever believe in her wildest dreams that anyone else would find it attractive. She couldn't help but glance at his model physique, as she always did, trying to convince herself that she wasn't any less of a person just because she didn't share genetics that others preferred. He seemed to notice her lack of response, turning slightly to face her where she walked beside him, the far-away look in her eyes as she stared down at her shoes walking across the concrete sidewalk.

"Blake?" she glanced up at the sound of her voice, realizing she hadn't answered and was definitely not going to give Jace any idea that his words had affected her so much.

"I don't see you with a girlfriend, you hypocrite" she responded quickly, trying to pull attention from her sudden pause moments before. A soreness started to form in her throat, one she knew very well, her body's indication to her that she was about to start having tears fall uncontrollably down her cheeks. His bullheaded stubbornness was the only thing that stopped him from telling her why he didn't have a girlfriend but responded to stop him from dwelling on his own inner turmoil.

"But, at least I talk to girls. You only talk to like three people, Mikayla, Janet, and Jane"

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