Chapter Forty-Nine (New Chapters)

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6 Months Later

She was in the hospital for nearly a week after the fire, but it was right around that time when Blake's nephew came into the world in the same hospital. She got to see Clay after so many months, he visited her, showing the gentle eyes of his new baby. She held him with shaky arms, smiling when he giggled, staring up at her. It took nearly two months for all her injuries to heal, at least the physical ones. She never took a drink from another person again, and the sight of flame jarred her. But he was there, helping her through it. He held her hand, he let her cry sometimes, he cheered her up too. They spent nearly everyday together, so much so that her other friends were starting to get sick of it, not that they told her that. She was happy, and that's all that mattered. 

At least for most of them, there was one, Stella, that became further withdrawn. Blake watched it all, when he came to school with blood-shot eyes, when she laughed just a little too loud and the way her smile never stayed. She wanted to ask her, she really did, and she even attempted to. But, Stella always waved it off, dismissed, calling her crazy. "My life is perfect, I'm perfect! What could I possibly have to be upset about?!" she'd say with her narcissistic ring. Blake knew that she wouldn't listen to her, what could she do? Blake suspected that whatever plagued her would eventually pass. They would go back to those children swinging in the park, would go back to watching young Stella reaching for the sky.

The rest of their junior year was uneventful, although no one was allowed in the science wing for half the semester because of the repairs. Blake didn't want to see it again anyways, she suspected it would bring back heart-pounding death that she expereinced within its walls. The snow melted, and the flowers started to bloom, the trees started to turn green from their rickety marks. She liked watching their petals flutter gently in the small wind gusts as she walked to school, or how happy everybody looked at the bright blue sky, sitting in the sun and the grass. The only real downside was that after the incident, she was sent back to therapy. Even though she insisted she was alright, Karl didn't appear convinced. So, once every two weeks she was pulled out of school, taken to the clinic and left there, talking to this lady that didn't actually listen. They never listened. But she dealt with it, for the sake of appeasing Karl's worries.

She laid in bed, after a long day of school and homework. She was excited, it was nearly summer break, just a couple days left of junior year. Eventually she would be a senior, and then it would be over and she would be an adult. Whatever that meant. She was nearly asleep when she heard an audible creak that had her eyes opening on instinct. She didn't move under the covers, froze actually, a sudden fear involving her mind. That was until she heard the gentle, almost inaudible knock. She leaned up slightly, looking at the window with wide eyes. She rolled her eyes, feeling ridiculous when she saw his smiling face on the other side of the glass. She glanced at her bedroom door, open and a little light filtering from the light in the hall. She slowly slipped from the covers, toeing across the carpet floor of her bedroom. She grabbed the bedroom door with tight hands, shutting it slowly, hoping that the creak wouldn't be so loud it would alert anyone that she was still awake. It was nearly two in the morning, everyone else was in their bedrooms just down the hall. She nearly tripped over Mutley when she turned towards the window, having to catch herself on the wall as the huge furr ball groaned in his sleep.

She moved quietly towards the window where he waited, unlocking and forcing it up.

"What on earth are you doing here?!" she asked quietly, a smile on her features. She moved away to give him room to jump in, his backpack on his back "Does Arlene know?"

"My mom doesn't care" he responded with a snicker, pulling his backpack off his shoulders "You know that no one can stop me from getting to you, right?"

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