Chapter Eighteen (New Chapters)

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"Food is ready" the voice made them both fall back to reality, moving back slightly from one another. They both turned, looking at the man standing there with the serving plate in his hand.

"Thanks, Tony" Despite his words, Lucian's tone was definitely not one of gratitude. More of disappointment and annoyance, he had interrupted a moment between them. And Lucian wasn't very happy about it, which made Blake feel like she was falling even further for him. Little did she know, what Lucian was about to ask her, is if he was allowed to kiss her. And, she never did figure that out.

"You're welcome Cranky" Tony placed the two slices of pizza and the two glasses of pop between them before walking off. Blake couldn't help but laugh, and Lucian rolled his eyes. They started on their food.

"Lucian, with your condition, shouldn't you be on a diet right now?" Blake asked

"I am, but it's nice to have a treat every once in a while" he responded. She nodded her head in agreement, taking a small sip from her cup

"And I've been curious, how did you know what I like?" she asked, referring to the slice in front of her and the cup in her hand.

"You always have pepperoni in the cafeteria on pizza day, and you told Milkayla that your favorite drink was cream soda, but you're dad refused to let you have it because of how much sugar it has" he continued to eat absentmindedly, but she couldn't help but stare at him for a few moments almost in disbelief at his words. She didn't think anyone cared about her really, and definitely not enough to memorize her likes and dislikes like he seemed to have done. They ate in peace, which was a weird feeling for her. She was used to feeling some different than calm most of the day, every day. And yet, he had managed to get her mind at some sort of idea of peace.

"Do you know what time it is?" she asked. She didn't have her phone on her, she had left it in her locker and really hadn't had the chance to grab it before he had swung himself and captured her for this strange encounter. She watched as he pulled the small device from his pocket, pressing the on button.

"Half an hour late for drama" her eyes widened, dropping the slice on the plate in front of her. And, the worse panic started to unsettle her mind. I made him late for class, this is all my fault!

"You think I'm mad at you, don't you?" she lifted her head at his words. She sighed, running a hand through her hair.

"Look, I'm so sorry for making you late to class, you can blame it all on m-"

"Wanna ditch?" he cut her off, her eyes widening in surprise.

"W-what?" He's not mad about it?

"Ditch class" he clarified, seeming amused by her reaction. She blinked once, then a second time. Does this mean, he doesn't want to get rid of me? But he actually WANTS to spend time with me? Then, it hit her, making her let out an "Oh!" of realization.

"If you want to go that's fine, I'm sure I can find my way back on my own" she claimed. Then it was his turn to kind of sit there and blink, making her raise an eyebrow.

"I want you to go with me" he claimed. She cocked her head slightly in confusion

"Really?!" she asked, sounding truly shocked by his words.

"Is that so weird?" he asked

"Yes, it really is" she claimed with a seriousness in his tone, making him let out a laugh, taking another sip from his cup. She grabbed a piece of her hair, twirling it between her fingers. "I suppose I could, I'll have to remember to get a bouquet of flowers for Mrs. Jame for missing her class" he raised an eyebrow at that.

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