Chapter Fifty-Two (New Chapters)

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She sat at the kitchen table, feeling the continuous urge to pull down her dress just for something her hands could do in that nervous moment. She kept glancing at the front door, then at the empty place setting beside her, and then to the people seated around the table. It was silent, even the twins werent bickering and that rarely happened. She would have rather it been a monkey house with screaming kids than it be completely silent like this. Come on Lucian! Where are you?!

She smiled nervously at Karl, who looked smug to say the least. He was already ten minutes late for dinner, and it wasn't giving a really good first impression on Karl. This is a disaster.

A knock on the door had her bursting from her chair so fast she almost knocked it over, hurrying down the hall. She swung open the door, looking at him in the entrance breathing so heavily, hair sticking to his forehead in his nice dress short and tie.

"I'm sorry-" Breathe "the truck broke-" Breathe "down half way so I" Breathe "ran the rest of the way here" she looked at his bewildered red cheeks, but there was nothing she could do now. She hurried him inside, shutting the door behind him. She quickly leaned up, struggling with her short stature to fix his hair while he removed his shoes, using the end of her dress to wipe away the sweat from his forehead. She hurriedly pulled him down the hall to the dining room, where everyone sat in their nicest clothes. He was still trying to control his breath as he sat down in the spot next to her, gripping her hand under the table.

"Thank you for having me," he said to Karl, who sat across from him, his voice still out of breathe.

"Well, I would think a grateful person would be on time" Karl retorted. Blake put covered her eyes with her free hand. She knew Karl wasn't going to make this easy on Lucian, he hadn't exactly appeared very friendly towards him. But, right out of the gate, really?! She didn't think that Karl actually disliked Lucian or anything, it was just because he was her first boyfriend, he immediately hated him. Lucian squeezed her hand under the table before letting go.

"I'm sorry, my transportation failed me" Lucian responded, no malice in his voice. She glanced at him, feeling rather impressed. Please god, keep your temper in check for just one night, just please! She inwardly begged, laughing nervously. She glanced at Jace, who just raised an eyebrow as if to say what do you want me to do? She just rolled her eyes.

Do we have any alcohol?

She never had it before, but that certainly wasn't going to deter her at that moment if she could help it.

Dinner started awkwardly as people filled their plates, eating the least disgustingly she had ever seen. Usually they were savages, fighting over the bread rolls and throwing peas at eachother. She wasnt sure if it was because they didn't want to embarrass her, or because they thought Lucian was cool, well except Karl. She expected the latter.

"So...Julian-" Karl spoke

"It's Lucian actually" Blake chimed in quickly. She knew that Karl was doing it to get a rise out of him, she knew that Karl knew Lucian's name. The older man cleared his throat.

"I'm sorry...Lucian-" Karl spoke sharply, glancing at her with narrowed eyes. She looked away just slightly, feeling as if she looked head on it would burn her eyes. "What do you for a living?" Blake's eyes widened. He's seventeen

"Well, actually I'm not doing anything right now-"

"So you have no way to support my daughter?" Karl suddenly asked, "Are you a freeloader?"

"He wants to go to university after we graduate!" Blake chimed in quickly

"Yes-" Lucian affirmed "I want to get a degree in the arts"

"The arts?" Karl asked "Like those people that dance on stage in tutus?"

"That's ballet-" Lucian responded "I want to get a degree in movie production and eventually become a movie producer" Karl just leaned back in his chair, looking smug with his arms crossed against his chest. Blake grabbed his hand under the table once again, rubbing soothing circles on the back of his palm, not that it seemed very helpful. She could tell Lucian was holding back his words from the way the vein in his head was protruding from his skin.

"Aim high, I like that" Josh chimed in from the end of the table, appearing to at least make an attempt to ease the tension in the room. It didn't work very well.

"Well then Lucian-" Karl leaned forward, his elbows against the table "When do you plan on having sex with my daughter?" the only sound made in the room was the horrible spit splash as Jace lost hold of the liquid he was drinking, partially spitting it back into the glass against his lips, the rest dripping down from his chin into his lap. Blake was about to snap, but Lucian's words cut her short.

"When she allows me to" Lucian responded simply. She found herself smiling slightly, glancing up at him from the corner of her eye. She watched as he took a drink peacefully from his glass of water, placing it back on the table in front of him with a gentle press.

"A more appropriate time could have been chosen for that question" Jace muttered, wiping the water from his chin

"I don't think so" Karl retorted, glancing at Jace before looking back at them. Blake swallowed, Dear god, this can't get any worse.

"How about this, Lucian, are you circumcised?" Karl asked, leaning over the table. I stand corrected. Blake started coughing furiously, covering her mouth quickly. It had been that moment her body started choking on air, and it didn't seem to be letting up "Because I like good catholic, circumcised boys that wear promise rings and go to church on sundays!"

"That sounded so wrong Karl" Josh muttered, uncomfortably taking a sip from his glass.

"Yes, I am" She didn't know whether to be more shocked that Karl asked such a question, or that Lucian actually fucking answered it!

"I actually do go to church on Sundays, with my mother," Lucian responded. Blake raised an eyebrow, glancing at him from the corner of her eye. This was the first time she had heard about this.

"And what about your father? Where is he?" Karl countered

"You tell me" Lucian retorted. Apparently that didn't lighten the mood, it actually made it rather worse. The entire room fell to silence for a few moments before Jace started clearing his throat rather loudly to break it.

"You don't keep many secrets do you?" Karl asked

"Not really" Lucian responded truthfully. He just shrugged his shoulders, taking another sip from his glass of water. "Ask me anything, I'm not afraid to answer" The rest of the evening was just as awkward, and after dinner Blake was quick to lead him back to the front door. She stood with him on the porch, handing him his keys.

"I think that went better than it could have'' he claimed, and she let out a laugh, taking in a breath of the cool outside air.

"Well, I think that was the most terrifying dinner I've ever had" she retorted, letting out a shutter. He smiled, bringing her into his arms and holding her tight. She didn't want him to let go, but she had to eventually, backing away slightly and seeing him off when his mother's car pulled in front of the house. 

"do you actually go to church?" she asked, intrigued

"What do you think?" he countered. She let out a soft laugh, shaking her head. She really wanted to kiss him, so badly, but if Karl caught them they'd be even more screwed that they already were. She waved goodbye to Arlene as they drove off, letting out a breathe of relief that the night was finally over. She stepped back into the house, closing the door behind her. She walked down the short hall back to the kitchen, where josh, Jace and Misty were doing with the dishes.

"Let me just say-" Josh turned, looking at her from his spot washing with his rubber gloves in front of the sink "That boy has balls"

"Be quiet" Karl grumbled, still sitting at the kitchen table looking sullen, probably because he couldn't embarrass Lucian as much as he wanted to that night. She just smiled, walking up the stairs. She collapsed onto her bed on her back, staring up at the roof. The butterflies were all over her skin, in her stomach and her guts. She was nothing but butterflies, turning over and biting at her lower lip. Dammit, I love him too much.

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