Chapter Thirty-Six (New Chapters)

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She found herself back in her corner of the library, deep in the bookshelves. It felt colder than it usually did, or maybe that was her imagination, but either way, it was a comfortable feeling. She had questioned previously, what it would be like to be someone else. Experiencing someone else's life for just a day. She wasn't deluded into thinking that everyone else had perfect lives other than her, that was stupid. Everyone had their own problems, she knew that. But perhaps living another life, even for a day, would give her the chance to be reborn, give the opportunity she hadn't previously held. "Hi Blake" she lifted her head from the book jacket she was reading, surprised to find the voice she wasn't expecting. It was Melody, a voice she didn't know very well. Well, this smells like trouble.

"Hello, Melody" Blake responded gently. She wasn't quite sure what was happening, watching the beautiful blonde come closer from between the bookshelves. Blake found herself glancing just side-like at the surrounding shelves, trying to see if there was another person nearby besides the two of them, and felt even more uneasy realizing that her favorite secluded spot was indeed secluded. It had its benefits like that, but at that moment, it felt to Blake like more of a risk. Blake wondered if she should make some sort of excuse, pack up her things and escape before anything happened. But, the girl just smiled, almost gently.

"Relax, I just want to chat" Melody claimed. She didn't have any malice in her voice, and she even did something Blake wasn't expecting, crouched down towards the ground and sat down, folding her legs to the side in her pencil skirt and using her hand to keep herself upright. Her hair was long, and bone-straight with a heat tool, falling over her shoulders. With the dusty look in her eyes, Blake wasn't sure what to make of it, trying to take in what the girl was thinking. But, Melody looked as empty behind her eyes as Blake felt in her heart at that moment. What does she want?

"I heard that Lucian and you had a fight" Blake's eyes widened slightly "Sounded kind of nasty, Lucian told me" Blake felt her mouth slack slightly, but should she had expected anything else? Their friends, aren't they? Lucian talks about me? With Melody? She thought she knew Lucian, he didn't seem like the kind of guy to spread information like that. But, people are never who you think they are, she found herself reminded of that fact, watching as Melody shuffled closer across from her on the rough library carpet. She found herself surprised at the jingle of anger that welled in her chest for Lucian, at the thought of him talking about her behind her back. But, she didn't even know if she had the right to be angry at him, after everything she had put him through she suspected that some sort of karma would come to take revenge. She hadn't suspected it in the form of this though, but no one ever can fully predict their future.

"We w-weren't very close a-anyway" Blake found herself responding, feeling the need to constrict her knees to her chest, maybe make herself look smaller. "It hardly matters"

"That's sad-" Melody sighed, cocking her head "Just when you thought you were special to him, reality broke down the door"

"I n-never thought I was special to him" Blake responded quickly, with truth in her tone. Never had a thought ever crossed her mind suggesting that she believed he thought special of her, at least not one she didn't completely dismiss a second after it entered. She wasn't special to Lucian, she wasn't special to anyone, she had accepted that long ago.

"That's probably best" Melody retorted, a sickly sweet, and Blake just found herself nodding in agreement with that statement. Every person was their own, with thoughts and feelings that no other person could influence. Perhaps Blake had wanted Lucian to pay special attention to her, but there was nothing she could do about that. He was his own person, with his own mind. Blake noticed every time the girl came just the slightest bit closer, an inch or maybe two. Perhaps Melody was attempting to hide her approach, but Blake's quick and analytic eyes saw every twitch of her fingers, the tightness of her stocking covered legs. And the closer she got, having conversation as if they were friends, it made Blake more eager to flee. This girl, she was like a clown, covered in makeup and able to make herself look fun to the eyes. But, something lingered underneath, Blake could sense it. It wasn't about her demeanor or the way she spoke, it was something in her aura, like a dark rumble that sullied the air above her head. It stunk.

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