Chapter Thirty-Three (New Chapters)

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She was biting her knuckle, trying to not give the moment she was dreading any control over her mind. The love scene. She sat on the chair, the script in her hand, staring with unwavering eyes at the stage as they acted out the scene. It was when the character of Blane would propose to Lucy, or Lucian proposing to Stella. She had been dreading this since the very beginning, it was her job after all, but that didn't mean she had to like it.

"Lucy!" Lucian bellowed, appearing on stage at the cue "I have something I've been wanting to say to you" he grabbed at Stella's arm, but she shook him off like she was being taught, turning to face him.

"What is it, Blane?" Stella asked, her voice full of faux emotion.

"There's been something nagging at my brain Lucy" he took a step, getting closer to her, making Stella force her chin up to maintain eyes with him. Blake could feel the moment when she punctured the skin of her finger, the metallic taste of dirty water in her mouth from the blood "At first...I thought it was just my mind being paranoid, but then I realized the truth"

"Spit it out, Blane!" Stella snapped, and her face morphed to shock, watching as Lucian got down on one knee in front of her, digging into his pocket to pull out the prop ring.

"Lucy..please! I need you in my life, for the rest of the time I'm on this earth. Please!" Blake couldn't look away, it was like she was witnessing a cosmic mistake. It was almost real life, watching Stella's eyes gloss over with unshed tears. "Lucy, will you marry me?" Lucian asked, pleading in his voice.

"Yes!" Stella exclaimed happily. Lucian got to his feet just moments before Stella jumped into his arms. Blake could only watch, agonized as they looked so happy, with him twirling her around in circles on the stage, just like how he had done with her in the gym that day. She felt sick to her stomach, gripping it with her hand as if that would help at all. The worse was yet to come, when Lucian set her down and they moved closer, moving in for a kiss.

I can't take this anymore

"Stop!" Blake hadn't even realized she had spoken before it was out of her mouth abruptly, and had gotten up from her chair before she decided to move. They jumped apart at the abrupt noise, turning to look at her from the stage. There was just a moment where Blake thought they were expecting her to say something, maybe critique their performance and give them advice. She was the director after all. But, she had nothing to say, they had been so good that she had momentarily forgotten that it wasn't actually real. Even if she was going to speak, what would she have said? In her life Blake had never stood up for anything, she always gave up everything that everyone wanted of her. Now, she had stood up, wanting to claim Lucian for herself without even realizing it, like a reflex.

"C-can I go to the b-bathroom?" she turned to look at Mrs. Jame just a few seats away. The teacher appeared confused, but nodded in approval, and the moment she did, Blake rushed out, hitting the door to the auditorium open in escape. She needed air, fresh air. The world was so stuffy. She went towards the nearest exit door, hitting it open and relishing in the feeling of coldness shuttering her skin from the outside world. She leaned back against the bricks of the building, just lifting her chin and closing her eyes, taking in every fresh moment of change. She had acted so foolishly, so stupidly she could hardly believe her own body.

"You Ok?" she opened her eyes, sighting Mikayla by the door she had escaped from, a raised eyebrow.

"Yup" Blake spoke quickly "Just fine" she sighed.

"You ran so fast you could have beaten Stella in track and field" Blake felt a smile across her features at her friends' words, just shaking her head.

"I don't know...-" Blake spoke truthfully "I guess when I see stuff like that I feel like I'm getting a glimpse of alien alternate reality" she felt as Mikayla came to stand beside her, pressing her back against the bricks just as Blake was.

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