Chapter Eight (New Chapters)

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"Hey" Mikayla pulled back from her locker, her books in her arms, shutting the door to look at him, smiling at her of all things, and it wasn't a nice smile, it was more of a douchebag smile."What do you want Pea Brain?" she asked, locking the locker door and moving down the hall. He followed behind, pushing back his caramel-colored hair.

"You look nice today" she turned, looking at him incredulously, and with the sudden need to gag, she turned away, moving ahead to her last class.

"Again Jace, I say what do you want?" she asked, clear annoyance in her voice.

"Well, I thought we could hang out, after all, we are friends" she knew he was obviously just doing it to get on her nerves. She stopped in the middle of the hall to turn and face him.

"First things first, we are not friends, we have never been friends. You're Blake's stupid brother and that is the only reason I even acknowledge your existence!. Second, the thought of being friends with you let alone spending any time with you literally has me wanting to hurl all over the floor. Third, and I know this might be the hardest one for you to grasp, but I DON'T LIKE YOU!-" she shoved her hard finger into his chest, which he had to admit, kind of stung. "So, leave me alone Pea Brain!" He stood there, watching her storm down the hall with books in hand and around the corner. But, the only thing he could think of, she's gonna be my wife one day. The bell rang, and Blake started to pack up her things, closing her binder and grabbing her backpack off the floor.

"Hi!" the voice startled her she dropped her pencil case, watching as it fell and hit the floor next to her. She looked up, surprised to find someone, a boy, standing there. She had seen him in class before, but she had never spoken to him. As far as she could see, he had his own set of friends. She glanced around, almost looking to see that it was indeed her he was talking to when it was very obvious it was.

"Hi" she responded stiffly.

"I'm Dylan" she raised an eyebrow, moving back when he suddenly held out his hand to shake hers. She looked at his hand for a few moments, wondering why on earth he'd want to shake hands with the likes of her, But, realizing how weird she must have looked, just staring at his hand for a few moments she was quick to snap from it, taking his hand in an uncomfortable shake. At least it was uncomfortable for, he seemed not the least bit phased, which she also found interesting.

"I'm on the newspaper committee for the school. I had heard you're a good writer and was wondering if you might want to join" she sat there for a few moments. Is this some kind of joke? It had to be a joke, there was no way on god's green earth that someone actually thought she had any talent as a writer. She wondered who was behind this obvious charade, but at the same time, she didn't want to know.

"I think you h-have the wrong person" she got up suddenly with her bag, intent on leaving, making him stand back a step so she could go.

"Wait, you're Blake, right?" he asked, watching as she pulled the straps of her backpack over her shoulders.

"I'm one of the people named Blake in this school, yes. But, there's also Blake Kanem, Blake Jacobs, and Blake Jones

"But, you're the only one in poetry club"

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