Chapter Seventeen (New Chapters)

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"What's your favorite kind of food?" he asked, glancing at her. She felt a little hesitant, wondering if her answer would be the wrong choice. The last thing she wanted to do was upset him further.

"Anything" she responded softly, making him raise an eyebrow, glancing at her small frame again

"Well, what do you want to eat right now?"

"Anything" her response was quick. He sighed in frustration.

"Ok. What is the kind of food you prefer to others?"

"I don't have a preference" she responded. He stopped the car suddenly, startling her, glancing out the window to make sure there weren't any cars behind them.

"Do you like pizza?" He asked, facing her and waiting intently for a response.

"Of course, everyone likes Pizza"

"Thank fucking god" he let out a breath of relief, pressing the gas "I know just the place" She couldn't help but feel the need to laugh, covering her mouth with her hand and glancing at him. Somehow, despite not wanting to upset him, it was kind of funny to watch him when he was frustrated. He pulled up to a small pizza place Blake had never been before, placing the car in park and shutting off the engine.

"This place has the best pizza on this side of the city, my mom used to take me all the time when I was a kid" he claimed, opening the driver's door and getting out of the car. She did the same, softly opening the door and trying to stay gripped on the big steps and holding on to the door, and stepping onto the concrete of the parking lot. She closed the door, meeting at his side and they walked in together. The man behind the counter looked up as the small bell rung at the opening of the door.

"Well, if it isn't the little devil" the man claimed, placing down the newspaper he had been reading.

"And to think that nickname would go away with age" Lucian responded. Blake smiled slightly at the playful look on his face as they walked up to the small counter "I still don't know why you call me that, my name is Lucian, not Lucifer"

"It just stuck" the man responded simply "What will it be today Little Devil?"

"A slice of cheese and a coke-" Lucian looked down at her at his side "What do you want?" she suddenly realized she didn't have any money on her, she had left her wallet in her locker back at school. She could barely see over the counter, but looked at the man.

"Is water free?" she asked and he nodded, seeming amused "I'll have a glass of it please"

"Wait, you're not going to eat?" Lucian asked.

"I don't have any money on me-" she responded. She dug her hands in her pockets "Except for this" she pulled out a quarter, and placed it on the counter

"Blake, you know how a date works, right?" Lucian asked in disbelief, turning to look up at the man. "We'll have another slice of pepperoni and a cream soda" she looked up at him with surprise. How did he know that? She watched as he pulled a twenty from his pocket, placing it on the counter.

"Wait, I can't let you pay for me" she insisted, reading out for the twenty and managing to grab it

"Why not?" he asked, snatching the twenty from between her fingers before she could react, placing it back on the counter where it was "And take your quarter back" he sounded like he was about to laugh when he said that, holding out the small metal coin and placing it in her hand.

"No! You can't!" she jumped, trying to reach for the twenty again, but was pulled back before she could reach it by arms around her waist "I will not let you pay for me!" she struggled in his hold as he lifted her off the ground as she struggled in his hold, reaching forward to the counter and watching the guy place Lucian's change on the counter. He managed to turn, still holding her around the waist with one arm and grabbing the change with the other, stuffing it in his pocket. She sighed, frustrated, crossing her arms against her chest as he pulled her from the counter and towards the small seating area. He placed her down next to an empty chair, pulling it for her to sit. She sat down with a huff, making him let out a snort, sitting down across from her in the chair at the other end of the table.

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