Chapter Fifty (New Chapters)

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She got up from the edge of the bed, gently placing the flower on the covers. He stayed sitting, watching as she grabbed a light coat from where it hung on a hook attached to her bedroom door, pulling it over her shoulders, slipping on her running shoes.

"What are you doing?" he asked, watching as she smiled. She grabbed a note and pen from her desk, scribbling the words Didn't run away, will be back on it, adding don't call the cops for good measure before placing it on her pillow incase anyone came into her room to find her gone.

"Were going" she responded simply. He got up quickly as she moved for the window, climbing through it, standing on the lower roof to held him through, closing it shut behind them. She guided him to the side, stepping onto the top of the fence, before sliding down onto the cool grass of the lawn. It was beautiful outside, softly warm with a gentle breeze that shuttered her hair.

"Where are we going?" he asked, intrigued as he dropped down from the fence at her side.

"You'll see" they started their way down the street, under the lamps and the car's headlights.

"Aren't you supposed to be the responsible one between us?" he asked, amusement in his tone. She just shook her head, grabbing his hand in her own as they walked. The walk was nice, just the two of them. Perhaps for a moment she could pretend that no other human existed on the planet, just the two of them and the stars above. The closer she got, the more nervous she felt, glancing at him every now and then. She didn't quite know how he would react when he knew the truth, who she really was. But, she wouldn't let nagging fear deter her, not this time. When she came upon the street, her grip on his hand tightened, staring at just for a few moments before she continued walking, bringing him along.

"Blake...this place looks kinda sketchy" he spoke next to her "Are you sure you want to be here?" she didn't respond, she just turned her head, looking up at his slightly concerned features. Do I really want to be here? She didn't know the answer to that. But, it was too late to back out now. She lead him gently down the road, turning to small stepping stones towards the entrance of the house. And the thing she loved about him so much, was that he didn't question her again, he would follow her anywhere she went. 

She pushed past the door, listening to the floorboards creak as she walked across them, towards the stairs. It was different than last time, but not by much, just a few extra missing things and more artsy graffiti tags. She stepped gently on the upper floor, reaching out for the dangling attic string. She watched as his hand overtook her own, glancing up at him. He didn't look at her, but she just knew he wanted to help. They pulled down the string, the attic stairs folding out. He helped her up the rickety steps with a strong grip on her hip, stopping her from falling as he followed behind. Eventually they were there, in the slight heat and the dust, her small mat, her weak little light. She sat down, her legs crossed, watching him in the small view as he glanced around, blinking away the dust. She had to say it, she had to tell the truth and it terrified her.

"I wouldn't mind knowing why we're here, if it's not too much trouble," he spoke, meeting her eyes with a gentle smile on his lips. Her hands clasped in her lap as her fingers twitched, He knew she was trying to gather her nerve, and instead of pushing her he would wait. She let out a heavy sigh, running her hands through her hair.

"I used to live here" she spoke suddenly, watching his eyes cloud in confusion

"Here?" he asked, pointing at the wooden floor they sat on.

"This house...I mean...I used to live in this house..." she spoke gently, glancing down. She was embarrassed, she didn't want to meet his gaze. She rubbed her jacket covered shoulders with cold hands, her heart thrumming in her chest. She forced herself to continue, feeling as he stared at her, silent.

"My Father and my Mother, they bought this house right after I was was supposed to be the place that they would lay down roots, raise their kids..."

"I suspected Karl wasn't your dad" she lifted her head, surprise on her features "If you guys all were it would have meant that you and Jace were twins or something"

"Eww" she muttered, and he let out a small laugh, nodding his head in agreement. She let out a deep sigh, clearing her mind and closing her eyes for just a moment. She let them flutter open, looking at him, the smile on his features

"My mom...she died, when I was two..." he nodded in understanding "My Father...well he didn't take it very well..." a sudden look of realization crossed his features, but he didn't speak. He just let her speak and he listened. "He became an alcoholic, violent and abusive, he'd throw things at us, hit us...he spent all his money on booze that we went broke" she muttered, rubbing her eyes

"...I have a brother...his name is Clayton. He's eight years older than me, he used to protect me...from him" her voice cracked, taking in another deep breathe of dusty air.

"What happened?" he asked suddenly, leaning over slightly, coming closer. Her voice started to shake, and she did her best to contain it but it hardly worked.

"When I was Dad, he got really drunk...he and my brother were fighting...Clay was moving out of the house and I found out later it was because my Father wanted Clay to take me with him...he didn't want to deal with me anymore...and Clay kept saying he couldn't"

"Your brother didn't want you to go with him?!" Lucian asked, disbelief on his tongue

"It sounds bad, but you gotta understand...he was working minimum wage, he couldn't afford to take me with him...I would have never gotten past middle school...At least my father was willing to pay for me to get an education..." She watched as Lucian nodded in understanding, but he still looked a little off-put by it. She could understand why, she didn't want to attempt convincing him otherwise.

"My Father...h-he got so angry that he p-pulled a knife-" his eyes widened "I-I tried to get in between stop them...but he pushed me i-into the stairs, I hit my head so h-hard that it knocked me unconscious"

"Blake...-" she hadn't realized that tears were starting to line her cheeks. His voice was gentle, calming.

"When I woke up...I found out that the cops had been called by our neighbors-" she shuttered, trying to contain a sob "My brother...he was on the floor- bleeding out on the Father had stabbed him in the stomach... He had all these medic people around him trying to stop the bleeding, the sirens everywhere, the flashing lights everywhere-" she covered her hand with her mouth, biting her lower lip tightly in her teeth

"My father had already been arrested" she spoke "They just kept-flashing these lights in my eyes...asking about what happened...I didn't know what to say. They took me to the hospital...waiting for me to do something-say something" she felt when his hand reached out for hers, taking it and holding it tightly. He moved closer, his knees pressed against hers, leaning his forehead against hers. Her eyes fluttered closed, as did his own, with tears still tracing her cheeks

"Th-that was the last time I ever saw my Father..." she whispered against his cheeks "He was charged with attempted murder...for what he did to my brother...he got a life sentence- he'll be in prison for the rest of his life" her breathe shook as she let out a sigh. With him there, holding her hands, their foreheads, even the slight brush of their knees, it soothed her. Having him there soothed her.

"I'm a foster kid..." she finally said it, after so long of trying to hide it. Granted she took the scenic route, but she said it.

"Thank you for telling me" he whispered gently, and she just smiled, sniffling, letting him soothe her. 

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