Chapter Twenty-one (New Chapters)

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"Why on earth would you run from me?!" he asked, grabbing the shoulders of her winter jacket in a tight grip.

"I'm fine now-" she responded quickly "Should we continue?" he just looked at her for a few moments in complete disbelief.

"I'm taking you home!" he claimed, letting go of her shoulders.

"But, don't we have another class?"

"I got word that the school is on lockdown, apparently there's a huge storm heading our way, everyone in the city has been ordered to stay indoors" that's when Blake's eyes widened, looking at the sky ahead. It had darkened considerably, the clouds almost looking black, heavy with rain, and a sudden flash of lightning that was so far but so close had her jumping slightly at the sight of it. Blake had been terrified of storms since she was a child, especially thunder. She suspected because the sound of thunder sounded similar to a person's booming voice, to punches and kicks.

"Let's go," she said quickly, grabbing his wrist this time, and hurrying towards the parking lot to his surprise. They climbed into the vehicle, threw the bags in the back, and started to engine. She stiffly told him her address, putting her hood up on her head and placing on her seatbelt, inwardly hoping that no thunder sounded on the ride home. She was lucky enough for no thunder, but the lightning lit up the sky on the way back, as well as a rain shower started to fall, nearly blocking the visibility. When he pulled up to her house, she let out a breath of relief, unbuckling the seatbelt. She glanced at him, who was staring out at the windshield, seemingly in his own thoughts as the rain came down.

"Do y-you want to come...inside?" she asked. She couldn't believe her own words. Never did she ever think she'd have enough courage to ask a boy into her house. He turned to meet her gaze.

"That's alright, I should probably get home, I have a bit of homework to do" he responded, giving her a smile. But, despite his kind demeanor, she still wondered whether her actions today had something to do with him refusing her invitation. She wondered if he was angry at her, if he would ever even speak to her after that day. After all, he had seen at least part of what life being her friend was like, and it wasn't for everyone.

"I guess...I'll see you at school tomorrow" she muttered, grabbing her backpack from her feet and holding it to her chest.

"Sure" he unlocked the doors and she took it as an invitation to leave. She almost felt like she was going to cry again, opening the door and getting down with her backpack against her chest. She shut the door quickly, hurrying up the steps and typing in the code to unlock the door. She got inside, closed, and locked the door, dropping her backpack on the ground of the foyer, glancing at the empty house.

"Hello?" no one responded, all she could hear was the slight echo of her own voice coming back at her. She sighed, taking off her jacket and moving into the living room. Through the window, she could see his headlights past the rain as he pulled from the driveway and headed back down the road and out of sight. She sighed, placing her wet jacket over the couch, and slipping off her wet shoes. She headed up the stairs of the barren home, feeling a few tears slip from her eyes. She knew that whatever they had, what kind of relationship it was, it wasn't going to last once he realized how much of a problem she truly was. But, despite knowing how it would end, it didn't hurt any less. She had experienced this at least a dozen other times before, when people seemed interested in getting to know her, but when they finally did, they left her faster than they had walked into her life. It made her more grateful for the friends that stuck around like Mikayla, Janet, and Jane. And, it made her grateful for Stella too, someone that had stayed with her since childhood, despite how rocky their friendship was. And, as soon as she laid down in her bed

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