Chapter Nine (New Chapters)

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The bell rang above their heads, and the school day was over. Blake felt lucky that it was Friday, the only thing she'd have to tackle before her weekend would be poetry club. And, that couldn't be so hard, rights? She packed up her things and said goodbye to her friend, who left through the front doors so she could go home. Blake didn't like to admit it, but she loved poetry club. To her, poetry might not have been the truth of the feelings of the soul, but it was the closest that the human race was ever going to get and she embraced it. She walked into Mr. Lowe's classroom, her English teacher that always supervised the poetry club. She liked him, he seemed like a nice guy, at least the side of himself that he showed his students. She settled in the usual desk she claimed for poetry club, it was right near the door in case she had to make a run for it. It was the only school function where she actually got to choose her seat, and she would take full advantage of the opportunity.

"Poetry club? Seriously?" she looked up from logging on to her computer at the sight of Jace standing near her desk. She sighed, rolling her eyes at his childish attitude. The look on his face was so moronic, but Blake wasn't sure whether it was the face itself, or the fact that it was displayed across Jace's features, that made it so moronic.

"Don't act like it's your first time hearing about it-" she responded "Or are you just so self-absorbed that when anyone else talks about their life you just don't listen?" He didn't look amused by her effort at humor, but she sure did, and she'd love to do anything to annoy him further. "I thought we weren't supposed to talk to each other at school, Jace, wasn't that your rule? If you don't want a serious case of nerd fever, you better hurry out" she claimed

"I'm not afraid of nerd fever!" he defended, puffing out his chest. She suspected it was to make himself look like a gorilla ready for the fight, but all she could see was a lanky monkey trying to display the little muscle it had.

"Are you sure? They'll have to send you to the library for treatment" she pointed out, amused. That was when he ran out of the room in sarcastic fear before swearing, insisting he had to go to the locker room so he could shower the nerd off of him. All she could do was roll her eyes at his childish behavior, wondering if she should have asked Jace to be the male lead in the school play instead of Lucian even though he wasn't in the class, he sure could act. After all, his whole personality was an act, so she suspected he must have a lot of practice under his belt.

She found herself staring at nothing, but whatever it may have been, her eyes were so entranced by it she couldn't physically look away. That was until a small clunk sound of her laptop had her eyes snapping to the machine on the desk in front of her. She inwardly cursed, knowing that if she had broken it, Karl would be so angry with her. But, gripping the end of the screen, she moved it back and forth without an issue. She raised an eyebrow, wondering what that noise was. It almost sounded like something had hit the back of it. She investigated, pulling the screen down to reveal the desk it blocked, surprised to lean up and pick up the small little block wrapped in a thin parchment. Gum? Someone threw gum at me? The wrapping was familiar, it was for Bubble Fun, Blake had always been fond of Bubble Fun since she was a child, it was also a necessity she kept in her school bag, chewing gum always helped her study. 

The thin paper was just transparent enough to get an idea of the color, which she recognized as purple, grape flavor was her favorite. She held the small cube between her fingers, glancing around at the other poetry club members. She could see from a physical examination that there were at least six students chewing gum. She sighed, suspecting it was obviously someone throwing stuff at her because they didn't like her. But, with so many gum chewers, how was she going to return the gum to its rightful owner? She suspected going around and asking all the gum chewers if it belonged to them would definitely make her look like a total freak, and that stress she really didn't want to subject herself to. But, she also knew she couldn't consume what belonged to her without their permission, that was stealing. So, one last option. She got up from her desk in the quiet classroom, seeming to get the attention of a few students from the noise.

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