Chapter Thirteen (New Chapters)

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"You guys have plans...together?" It almost sounded obnoxious the way she said it, as if the thought was preposterous and almost laughable that theft would spend any time together, which Blake knew wasn't too far off from the truth. And suddenly Stella's eyes focussed on Blake, making her freeze at such a hidden flame of irritation behind those eyes had Blake almost feeling like she had been turned into stone.

"W-well, I don't know about that" Blake blurted quickly, just wishing to stop being assaulted by such a deadly stare from a person that was supposedly supposed to care for her.

"She's lying-" What?! She met Zac's eyes, even more, startled "We made them last week" What is this guy saying?! He's crazy! And then, the silent moment between all three parties that was absolutely agonizing for Blake, watching Stella, seeing the girl sort through the possible responses and which one to pick with the intent of keeping all intact.

"Well, then I guess I'll go to Damons alone" Stella claimed, shrugging her shoulders, making Blake sigh with relief. After all, Blake knew that Stella knew better than to cause a scene in front of her admirers.

"Why don't you take Jack with you?-" Zac's words to Stella had Blake looking at him bewildered 

"I bet they would love each other's company" the way he said it, it was as if he himself saw the possibility as laughable. "If you would excuse us" Blake's wrist was suddenly gripped by him, startling her. Blake was lead away with him, towards the parking lot. And she could just feel Stella's stare, even after she knew she was out of Stella's sight. It wasn't long before they made it back to his black jeep, watching as Zac pulled out the keys from his pocket and unlocked the doors, getting into the driver's side. Blake let herself softly into the passengers' side, getting into the seat next to his and shutting the door. She watched as he stuck his key into the ignition, turning and bringing the vehicle to life.

"Why did you do that?" Blake asked, watching as he backed up, pulling out of the parking lot between the cars. "You upset her a lot"

"Sometimes things aren't just about making everyone happy" he responded, pulling out into the road. "I'm taking you home," he said with a quip, almost sounding angry suddenly, making her feel on edge

"Why are you taking me home?" she asked. He turned his head, meeting her eyes

"Because, you shouldn't let people guilt you into things you don't want to do" he responded simply,

"I don't see it as guilt-" she responded "I just see it as taking care of her"

"Well, get someone else to fucking do it then" he retorted simply. "Not everything is about making everyone else feel better, despite what you seem to think" She was about to respond, when a sudden noise rang out in the vehicle. She watched as he dug into the pocket of his jeans, pulled out his cell phone, pressed across the screen, and placed it on the holder on the dash.

"What is it?"

"What a nice way to answer the phone Zachary" As soon as the voice came from the speakers, Blake's mind ceased to function. Lucian. "You know, you don't have to be so much of a dick all the time"

"What do you want Lucian?" Blake's body froze like a statue

"I've been asking around for newspapers, we need them for the props for the school play. I remembered you work that recycling job on the edge of town"

"Last time I checked, I wasn't your errand boy Black" Zac responded "Why don't you ask the one directing the thing?"

"You mean Blakelyn Collins?-" that was it, She was busted, knowing the second her name was said and Zac turned his head to look at her, she was caught "She's too pretty for heavy labor" Suddenly, the smile on Zac's face, one of mischief that had Blake's heart pause a beat.

"Why don't you ask her yourself? She can hear everything you're saying" Zac called, making Blake inwardly curse.

"She's...with you?" his voice almost sounded irritated, making her body tighten all the more.

"Yup, she's right next to me in my passenger seat" And Blake knew she was toast, there was no point in staying quiet

"Yes Lucian, I'm here," she said weakly. There was a pause on the line after her words, where nothing was said at all.

"Now, you definitely owe me that date" his words had her eyes widening slightly, glancing at Zac, whose eyebrows raised slightly in surprise. "And it better be a damn good one" with that, the line cut out, he had hung up. Blake couldn't believe what had just happened, had to take a few moments to take it in.

"Man, I feel sorry for you" Zac's words had her turning to look at him.

"Why?" she asked

"I've known Lucian a long time, but never in my life had I heard him that pissing angry-" Blake swallowed, her fists clenching in her lap. "And Lucian is one guy you really don't want to see angry" She knew that at that moment, if Zac's words were any indication, she had just caused a kind of riot she had no idea how to fix.


Mikayla smiled, walking up the driveway of the house, about to hit the stairs of the porch when a sound behind her had her stopping in her tracks. It was a car pulling up, a black jeep, and she knew exactly who it belonged to. She hurried into the bushes against the porch, crouching down and quietly cursing when the rose thorns pricked her. She watched as Blake got out of the vehicle, Zac following close behind and leading her to her front door. 

She couldn't believe it. Mikayla knew how much Blake liked Zac, but never did she think they had ever spent any time together. She wondered if she should come out and reveal herself, but she suspected that her friend wanted to enjoy the moment with the person she liked, Mikayla knew she wouldn't want it interrupted. So, she stayed in the bushes amongst the thorns, feeling happy for her friend as Blake said goodbye to Zac, letting herself into the house and closing the door behind her. She watched as Zac walked down the steps, got back into his car, and drove away. She let out a sigh of relief, knowing how awkward it would have been if he had caught her.

"What on earth are you doing?" She was startled by the question to her side, turning her head and falling back slightly at the sight of Jace standing on the grass next to the bushes, barefoot and without a shirt of all things.

"Nothing!" she blurted, getting up from the bushes, bringing her backpack back up to rest on her shoulder "I came to see Blake" he raised an eyebrow.

"Well, I'm sorry to disappoint. But, Blake doesn't usually hang out in the bushes" he claimed, his voice sounding quite amused "You'll usually find her in the house instead"

"What are you doing out here?!" she shot back "Not to mention shirtless" she didn't look impressed.

"Well, I was in my bedroom, about to have a nap when something caught my eye out the window. You, sitting in my bushes creeping on Blake and Zac, so, I crawled out the window and jumped down from the second floor to meet you-" he claimed, glancing down at his torso almost mockingly "Goodness, I must have forgot a shirt" he smirked, giving her a wink.

"God, your gross" she shivered in disgust, pushing him out of the way so she could get out of the bushes, stumbling out and nearly losing her footing on the grass, growling in annoyance. "Why anyone would ever like you, I seriously don't comprehend"

"It's because I'm good looking" he responded, making her roll her eyes

"What a lonely, meaningless life you must live" she retorted, pulling the other strap of her backpack over her shoulder, and moving passed him across the grass. He turned, watching her go, a look of confusion at her words.

"What do you mean by that?" he asked. She stopped, turning slightly over her shoulder to look at him. She knew in her brain she shouldn't say it, but the rest of her knew he had to hear it eventually.

"You're lonely and pathetic, instead of finding a genuine connection with someone else, you live off the attention you get. How dumb do you have to be to not realize that these people you hang out with arent actually your friends? That once they suck you dry, they'll leave you there to die-" He was stunned by her words, unable to think of anything to say in response "That's why you live such a meaningless life" she finished, turning away and leaving. He could only watch her go, unable to move, do or say anything that could contradict anything she had said.

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