Chapter Sixteen (New Chapters)

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After what had happened the Friday before, Blake really wasn't looking forward to Tuesday, the day of her supposed 'date' with Lucian. The morning of she even tried to play sick so she wouldn't have to go to school, but Josh seemed to see right through her charade, telling her to get her ass out the door. Maybe she could skip, and spend some time at the park, it hadn't been the first time she had missed school to get some time to herself, but she remembered how angry Karl was the last time she had pulled a stunt like that. So, she had no choice but to attend, feeling the burning stare of a certain someone on her the entire time. But, as soon as the lunch bell rang, she was quick to get up and pack her things from English class, pulling her backpack over her shoulders and running for the door ahead of everyone else, hurrying down the hall, sure that he wasn't far behind. All she had to do was find the nearest exit doors, but despite them being so close, at that moment they felt so far away. 

She would have to traverse three hallways full of people at their lockers or walking the opposite way as her, which was sure to slow her down. But, she was determined, slipping through people like a glorified ninja. At the same time she prayed to escape, her feelings conflicted, feeling awful for doing such a thing to him. After all, no one deserved to be left in the dust like that. But, it wasn't just who the date was going to be with that scared her, but the idea of a date itself. She didn't know if she was ready to do on a date. It was the first meeting of a potential couple spending time with one another, there was so much that could go wrong, and the stress to be perfect in every way imaginable to make sure your partner doesn't lose interest was too much to bare.

Blake knew she wasn't perfect, very far from it. She didn't deserve to go on a date with someone when all she would do is disappoint and never meet their expectations. In a way, not only did she think she was saving herself, but saving Lucian too from wasting his time on damaged goods like her. She grabbed ahold of the last corner, staring at the students, trying to recognize any face as his own. And, just about to leave with a clear path to the exit, a voice behind her startled her.

"What are we hiding from?" his question sent her to the floor, her binder scattering papers across the floor. She cursed, feeling mortified, hurrying to pick them up. It wasn't long until he kneeled down, grabbing a few. She met his eyes, surprised when he held them out for her to take. She took them softly from his fingers, making sure not to touch him, her cheeks reddening as she shoved the papers back in her binder. They got to their feet, him watching as she closed her binder, holding it tightly against her chest.

"Ready to go?" he asked, making her look up, watching as he pulled his car keys from his pocket, jingling them for her to see. She glanced around at the other students in the hall, trying to think of something.

"Well...I actually have d-detention today" she splurted, pulling her backpack from her shoulder, opening it, and slipping her binder inside. Suddenly his laughter had her looking up at him in surprise at his response.

"God Blake, When making an excuse, try making one that's at least partway believable" she opened her mouth to respond, but before she could his hand already grabbed her wrist, leading her towards the front doors she had been trying to escape from. She stumbled behind him, immediately noticing Mikayla at her locker as they walked by it. Mikayla noticed her stare, turning her head to meet Blake's pleading eyes. But, to Blake's unrest, all Mikayla did was laugh and wink, making her inwardly curse. Mikayla wasn't going to save her from this. When Lucian pushed the doors open, a gust of cold wind shot through her body, it was November after all, and soon the snow would start to fall like a blanket on the city, signaling the time of holiday cheer. They were halfway towards the parking lot when Blake started digging her heels in.

"Lucian, please stop" she begged, trying to pull from his grasp. "Lucian please, you have to let me go. I can't go with you" she claimed. She was surprised when he suddenly stopped, turning to face her, but still keeping a solid grip on her wrist.

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