Chapter Fifteen (New Chapters)

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Mrs. Jame unlocked the doors to the theatre room, pushing in the heavy doors and letting the class enter. It was quite dark, the only lights were the ones that were situated above the stage. Blake walked between two rows of seats, glancing around the scenery she had yet to see. The school's theatre room was heavily restricted, in fact, only students in drama classes were even allowed in, except for the nights that the plays commenced anyway. It was Blake's first time seeing it for herself, it had been her first drama class, which she was only forced into taking in order to graduate and get her credits, and she had never actually attended a school play. The room was bigger than she expected, almost looking like a real theatre that someone would pay money to enter and watch something professional with hundreds of others.

"From now on, I'm happy to say that our classes for the rest of the semester will commence in here instead of in a real classroom" Mrs. Jame claimed happily. It was beautiful she'd admit, but the theatre kids seemed more interested in their surroundings than Blake, probably because Blake wasn't very much interested in things like this. It made her wonder why she got chosen to direct the play in the first place, and then, the name came to mind, echoing in her thoughts. Lucian. The others started to scatter, opening their backpacks and getting out their scripts with the intention of running lines in groups, but Blake just stood there, still keeping her eyes glued to the bright wooden stage and the heavy-looking curtains that were held back at the sides.

"Well-" a hand on her shoulder startled her, looking up at the other side "We better get to work" Lucian smiled down at her, giving her opposite shoulder a squeeze with his palm. She really wasn't sure if this was his way of comforting her or terrorizing her. A quick slip of his hand into the pocket of her sweater and he was off with the others, moving amongst the seats with his backpack hanging on his shoulder. 

She just watched him for a few moments, almost like a statue. Any contact with him at all still startled her, especially since she knew she had been the one to make him angry a few days before. She slipped her hand into the pocket he had just placed his hand in, expecting to feel nothing, but instead, her fingers touched the soft peeling of parchment. She pulled the small cube from her pocket, looking at it for herself and realizing it was Bubble Fun, grape-flavored. 

She couldn't help but feel slightly irritated, because not only had he let her act like a crazy person in that class, but was now also teasing her about it. But, instead of doing what she should have done, took the little block and threw it square at his head. Instead, she unwrapped its parchment cover, placing it in her mouth and chewing it, indulging in that taste she loved. She couldn't help herself but enjoy it. She started by going to the small closet near the stage, pulling out a broom as the others ran lines and started sweeping the stage floor, trying to ignore the stare of the boy she could feel stabbing her body from the circle of actors and trying not to meet his gaze.

"Little Lady" she lifted her head, turning to face her friend with an amused face

"Hello there friend" Blake responded, continuing to sweep. Mikayla, holding her script went to grab the dustpan, handing it to Blake to click it onto the broom for when she needed it.

"So, I saw something pretty scary on Saturday, I'm sure I was hallucinating" Mikayla claimed at her side.

"And what might this be?"

"Well, Of course, I forgot you were out for the day, so I went to your house and was shocked to find you, and Mr. Quintin getting out of the same vehicle" Blake lifted her head, watching her friend wiggle her eyebrows suggestively, making her smile.

"Relax, he was just driving me home" she responded "Why didn't you come to the door? We could have spent time together?" Mikayla sighed, rolling her eyes

"Your stupid brother caught me, and I had to escape him, forgive me" Blake let out a laugh as Mikayla got down on her knees in front of her, bowing to be forgiven like she was some sort of royal subject.

"What are you guys talking about?" Blake lifted her head, watching Lucian move up the stairs to the stage floor. Mikayla got up from the floor, raising her eyebrows at him.

"You're the lead actor aren't you? Shouldn't you be leading them instead of bothering us?" Mikayla asked, crossing her arms against her chest with her script in hand. Blake glanced at Mikayla, wondering why she was being so hostile all of the sudden.

"Damn, I had no idea you could be so brutal. I'm very hurt" Lucian responded, placing his hand on his chest with fake pain that had Blake's cheeks redden slightly, feeling the sudden need to laugh at his theatrics. "I thought we could talk, from what I've heard about Jace's girl, she's quite the wordsmith" Mikayla's eyes widened considerably at his words, glancing at Blake, who covered her hand with her mouth, trying to hold in the need to laugh.

"Jace's girl?! What on earth is that?!" she asked bewildered "Is that what he's been telling everyone?! I'm going to kill that fucking cockroach!" she stormed off the stage, slamming open the doors to the theatre open despite Mrs. Jame's attempts to stop her and slamming the door behind her.

"Jeez, I think I hit a nerve" Lucian's words had Blake turning her head, looking up at him.

"Mikayla has always been a bit on the touchy side-" Blake responded, "Especially when it comes to Jace doing dumb things" she turned, continuing her work and watching the actors with their lines, knowing he was still standing there, and trying her best to not let herself succumb to the need to run for the same exit Mikayla had just barged out of.

"And what about you?" he asked suddenly. She raised her head from the broom, raising a slight eyebrow, wondering what he meant "How do you deal with the people that upset you?" she thought for a moment, wondering what her answer to that question was. It was strange, thinking back on her life, she never really found herself dealing with the people that upset her, but just brooding to herself instead until she forgot about the reasoning behind her anger. It was especially that way with Stella.

"I don't" She responded simply

"Well, I'm not the same" he retorted "And you've made me very angry for hanging out with that dumb prick" her eyebrows raised in surprise at his words, holding his stare. Weren't he and Zac friends? They played on the same football team, and hung out around the school all the time. 

"So, You're going to give me that date to make it up to me, whether you want to or not" she just continued to hold his stare, unsure of how to respond. "Tuesday next week, lunch break. Be ready" with that, he left back down the stairs. She watched him rejoin his group amongst the seats, laughing with the others while she watched, like nothing had ever happened. It reminded her of what he had said before, calling her an enigma. Well, she now knew she wasn't the only enigma between the two. 

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