Chapter Twenty-Eight (New Chapters)

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It only felt like a moment since she had gone to sleep before a door slammed, startling her awake. It was Bridgett, and the sun coming through the window blinded her eyes for a moment.

"Seriously? You slept all day? Lucky bitch" Blake just sighed, her head half-dug into the pillow. "Gracy wanted me to get you up, we're having a house meeting in the living room" Blake wanted to groan, and definitely didn't want to move. But, she had to keep reminding herself that her body wasn't her own. So, she didn't complain, and got up like she was told, struggling down the short metal ladder to the floor. She was still wearing the same clothes she had spent the entire night in, but she hardly cared, rubbing her eyes before placing on her glasses. Bridgett had already left, and Blake didn't even know where she was going. But, she opened the door, walking down the hall to the stairs. She followed the noises of voices in the distance, and they got closer as she descended the stairs, turning the corner and moving through a hallway door. It seemed everyone was already there, sitting across the couches and what looked like chairs pulled from the kitchen.

"Bakelyn!" it was another woman, sitting beside Gracy. She must be the other leader. The room suddenly fell silent, and Blake could feel the looks that all the other girls held. "Please, sit down wherever you'd like" Blake's arms wrapped around her torso twitched, glancing at the other girls, none of which appeared very eager that she was there.

"Th-that's alright, I'm ok w-with s-standing" she responded in a stumble.

"Whatever, do what suits you" the woman responded, holding back her dark brown hair, turning to look at the other girls. "Guys! This is Blakelyn, she'll be staying with us for a couple of weeks" Blake just stood there as she turned. "My name is Stacy, Gracy and I lead this group home" Blake just nodded in acknowledgment, she couldn't think of anything else.

"Why don't we go around and say our name, our age, and how long we're staying" Stacy suggested to the other girls. They didn't seem very eager, but just like her, they weren't in control of themselves either. "Blakelyn, why don't you start" Stacy suggested, gesturing to her across the room. Blake paused, looking at the other girls. She wanted nothing more than to run out of the room in a frenzy to get away from all these stares on her.

"I'm Blake, I'm s-sixteen, and I'm here because I w-went on a w-walk" she heard a snort from one of the other girls, surprising her suddenly. Great, they're laughing at me now. But, at least it was over, watching as the other girls started to speak one by one.

"Name is Destiny, seventeen, and I'm here 'cause I'm on parole for drug possession and illegal street fights" Blake's eyes widened, watching the girl just shrug, her blue eyes glinting with amusement.

"Jaylin-" the girl next to her mumbled "Fourteen, and I'm here because I killed my brother" Air left her lungs and Blake nearly choked "Jesus, new girl, do you fall for everything?!" Blake just lifted her head, surprise on her features "It was a fucking joke"

"We don't swear in this house" Gracy responded with a sharp tone. Bridgett sighed, leaning back in her spot on one of the couches.

"I'm Bridgett-" she rolled her eyes "I'm seventeen, and I'm here on parole for a non-fatal hit and run" That isn't too bad I guess, Blake tried to reason. The other girls continued to speak, but Blake hardly heard them, her heart was pounding so hard. But, she stayed calm, listening to others as they spoke. Although, none of them were in the same position as her, and she felt kind of lonely. They were all pretty much criminals, with Jaylin being the youngest. Most of them were actually a year older than her, which surprised her. Soon, they would be out of the system, free to live their own lives as untethered people. She wanted to think that things would go well for these people, but she wasn't so sure. The world was a harsh place, and it wasn't necessarily even their fault. People like them weren't people to everyone else, they were garbage, replaceable. And despite how sad that made her, it was a truth she couldn't run away from or deny. It was just the way the world worked, at least at that moment. The group was disbanded not long after, some going to the kitchen table to work on homework under the supervision of Gracy and Stacy, and others sent back to their rooms for free time.

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