Chapter Five (New Chapters)

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"What are you daydreaming about?" her heart skipped suddenly, startled into focus at the sight of the white sneakers standing on the floor just inches from hers. She looked up, even more, startled to see such an amused expression on his face.

"N-nothing," she said quickly, stumbling to her feet. She tried to keep her eyes with his, but with the height difference, it was difficult, pulling her head back so much she was about to damage a muscle.

"Come on, let's just get this over with" he grabbed her shoulder suddenly, making her jerk back in surprise. She gasped, and he looked down at her face, a look of confusion across his features."S-sorry, It's fine," she said quickly. The look on his face was almost one of suspicion. It was the same look her old teachers had when she'd come to school with a black eye, unable to shift her arm very far and insisting she fell down the stairs. She followed him cautiously to an empty spot in the room. The music started to play from the speakers hung on the walls, glancing around at the other people in the room, moving softly, trying to catch the rhythm.

"Here" her eyes snapped back, watching as he reached for her lower arm, grabbing a soft hold of it and pulling it up to his shoulder, causing her to stumble forward slightly, gasping at the closeness between them. He placed her hand, careful to place a large palm just below her ribcage. A foreign hand touching her, against her skin, it was just so absolutely terrifying. "And then-" He grabbed her other hand in his own and their fingers locked tightly. All she could do was stare at them, someone was holding her hand, not recoiling like she suspected they would. She let him lead softly, one step, and then another, only to repeat at a soft pattern that had them moving across the floor. She felt so foolish, so stupid, wondering how stiff and on alert she looked in his presence. She wondered what other people were thinking, glancing around at the other couples.

"You're blushing" she hadn't realized how hot her cheeks were until that moment, turning her head to look up at him.

"I'm sorry, this is just s-so...cheesy" she responded weakly

"It definitely is" he responded, his hand on her shirt shifting slightly to press his fingers slightly into her back as they moved across the floor. "Instead of this, we could be learning things that we might actually use in the future"

"It's true, people don't dance anymore" she responded softly.

"I mean, there's club dancing, which is nothing like this, bar dancing, but that's also not like this. The only time I could think of needing the two-step is at a wedding" The word echoed in her head. He leaned down slightly, and when he moved his fingers further up her spine, making her back arch slightly in instinct, pressing them closer "You know-" she met his eyes "A husband and wife, moving softly across the floor with all those prospectors watching, jealous and wishing they could trade places" Looking into his eyes for those few moments, the silky grey with the specs of soft light blue around the iris, she thought her heart was going to give out. She opened her mouth, but struggled to get an audible word out, so quick to try and think of a way to change the subject.

"You know how to dance" she rushed out, pulling her eyes from his own "Not many boys know how to dance"

"I took lessons as a child" he responded, making her glance up at his face. It almost looked a bit stiff with disappointment, which she suspected was due to the fact that he was stuck dancing with her of all people. She wished it to be over, not because she wasn't enjoying herself, but because she wanted his suffering to be done, so he wouldn't have to deal with her anymore. "Do you want to try something?" before she could respond, he had already lifted her up to her yelp in surprise, spinning the both of them across the floor. Her mouth held open, startled, their eyes, they were so close, his grip tight around her waist as hers instinctively wound around his neck to hold on. And suddenly, looking into his eyes, she saw something from the corner of her vision. He was happy, those prominent fang-like canine teeth that the girls gushed over, that made up the magic of a sort of childish smile, it was what drove every girl to stare at that smile. She couldn't help but give her own smile, almost painful, stretching muscles she hadn't used much in her life. Just getting to enjoy those few moments when their faces were so close, their eyes locked in an unbreakable contest. When he let her down softly, holding her in his arms to make sure she didn't fall as she stumbled slightly, dizzy from the spinning. "Are you ok?" he asked, grabbing hold of her upper arm to keep her steady.

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