Chapter Nineteen (New Chapters)

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The young girl stumbled slightly, tripping over the nightgown too long for her short body into the kitchen. She looked up with wide eyes at her father, sitting hunched over the heavy brown table taller than her, surrounded by papers she couldn't read. They shared the same raven hair, and the same forest green eyes. There was a time when the young girl was proud of what she shared with that man, and as a young clueless four-year-old, there was nothing she loved more than the man who tormented her.

"Where's Mommy? I can't see Mommy" she claimed to the man, leaning up to grab at the edge of the wooden table. It was another second before her hands were yanked from the edge of the table and pushed, sending the young girl tumbling to the linoleum floor

"Fuck sakes, you useless child. Your mother has been dead for two months! Get it through you're fucking skull! She's not coming back!" her father yelled at the young child, making her whimper, pulling back to protect herself.

"She's only four years old!-" she turned her small head, watching twelve-year-old Clay hurry through the kitchen door "Don't speak like that to her!" the boy leaned down, picking up his younger sister by under her arms, holding her tightly against him "She doesn't understand what you're saying, she can't help it"

"And all of the sudden you're the fucking child expert Clay? Don't make me laugh" their feather sneered "Get that fucking monstrosity out of here" he pointed at the girl in her brother's arms, making her hick, her tears start to fall from her eyes from the sight of his menacing face. She was terrified of him. Clay did what he was told, taking the young girl up the stairs of a once happy family home. He pushed open the door, turning on the light to the young girl's bedroom.

"It's 2 AM Lyn, you have to go to bed" the boy claimed, placing his sister on the bed and pulling back the purple covers. The young girl laid down as she was told, placing her head down on the soft pillow.

"Is Mommy going to give me a goodnight kiss?" the young girl asked her brother, who sighed heavily, pulling up the covers to cover her frame.

"Of course she is, but you won't be able to see it, or feel it" he responded, leaning down to push the dark hair from the young girls' eyes.

"When is Mommy coming back from the white room?"

"Blake-" Clay leaned over her on the bed slightly "Mommy is gone, and she's not coming back" The young girl didn't want to believe it, she couldn't believe it. Everyone had been repeatedly telling her that her mother was gone, but it wasn't true, she knew so, they were all lying to her, and it just made her so angry.

"But, in the white room, Mommy said she'd always be with me!" the young girl claimed, leaning up in the bed. "She's not gone, she said she'd always be there!"

"She meant in spirit Blake!" Clay responded with frustration, rubbing his eyes. It didn't help in the grieving that his younger sister kept bringing up their mother, in fact, it just angered him. "Mom will always be with you in spirit Blake, but she's dead! She doesn't exist in this world anymore!" his voice rose at the young girl

"You're wrong, she's here! Mommy is here!" the girl yelled back with anger.

"Will you two be quiet?!" the voice of their father boomed from down the stairs.

"Maybe if you were a good parent! We'd be quiet!" Clay yelled back, facing the open bedroom door. And suddenly, what both of them dreaded more than anything, was the sound of a man's heavy boots heading up the stairs.

"Shit" the young boy turned quickly "Blake, get into the closet" he grabbed the young girl by the arm, pulling her from under the covers,

"He's coming! Hurry Blake!" the young girl stumbled, being pulled by her brother across the room. She watched as he opened the closet door, gripping her wrist tighter and pulling her to get inside. The young girl collapsed to the carpet of the dark closet, looking up at the panicked sight of her brother.

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