Chapter Fifty-One (New Chapters)

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"I told you to stay away" the figure appeared before, a dark soul in a dark background. It wasn't a voice she knew, or maybe it was. It had no face, only a hood.

"But...I don't want to" Blake responded, her voice calm. Every deep breath tasted more bitter, every moment her eyes fell hooded with sleep.

"You're putting more people at risk? You know that right?" it asked, taking a single step closer. She didn't shift, she didn't cower "Can you live with that?" She swallowed, her lungs shaky.

"I guess I'm just going to have to" she said. It's face quivered with anger in the darkness of the hood, the anger it released palatable in the air.

"You'll regret that" the hood fell back, and Lucian's features swelled her sight

She gasped, shooting up from bed in a cold sweat. Her heart pounded in her chest, but as she always did, she leaned back, quick in the attempt to soothe it. It was like the rush of pushing her blood made it painful, an ache that slowly dulled. But, she didn't get up for her morning shower, it was still dark outside. Instead, she settled back into bed, closing her eyes and falling back to sleep for two hours until her alarm went off.

Breakfast was normal, just like every other day. The bickering was audible as the twins pulled each other's hair, Misty talked on the phone with god-knows-who and Jace muttered about how hot he was, looking at himself in the reflection of the spoon he was supposed to be using to each his cereal. That was, until she got up, leaning up to grab the medicine basket. That was when the whole room fell silent, as she rummaged through the bottles of painkillers and cough medicine to pull out the one that held her name on the label. She opened it with a push on the cap, removing a single pill and closing it again, placing it back in the basket with the other pills. She put the pill basket away, unbeknownst to the eyes of multiple people around the table watching her. She held the pill in her hand gently, opening the cupboard for a glass. She filled it with water from the sink, placing the pill in her mouth by the back of her tongue and taking a few good gulps of water. She didn't even feel it when it slid down her throat, but lowering the glass and wiping away the drop of water that remained on her chin was when she realized the lack of noise in the room. She turned her head, sighting her entire family at their seats, all staring at her.

"What changed your mind?" Karl asked suddenly, his eyes wide on her own. She just smiled, letting out a sigh.

"I want to start living my life" a look of understanding enveloped his features...he looked kind of proud of her. Nothing else about the subject was spoken, it faded away as they got ready for school. She put on her shoes with Jace right behind her at the front door, opening the door, startled to find a body blocking the exit she wasn't expecting

"What are you doing here?" she asked, a smile of excitement gracing her features at the sight of him.

"Can't a boyfriend take his girlfriend to school?" he responded, his head cocked to the side "It is the last day of junior year after all"

"You didn't need to do that" she claimed, stepping down from the entrance onto the wooden steps. He reached out for her backpack, pulling it from its hang on her shoulder and taking it onto his own.

"Does that mean I get a ride too?" the voice behind her interrupted their moment. They both turned, looking at Jace's hopeful face. Lucian glanced at her, eyebrow raised, meeting her own eyes as it to ask what she wanted to. She thinned her lips, pulling slightly at the edge of her mouth. He got the gist.

"Sorry Buddy" he spoke, not very apologetic with a tap to the shoulder "The lady has spoken"

"What happened to bros before hoes?!" Jace exclaimed as they walked down the steps. Lucian took her hand, and she used her free one to hold up the finger over her shoulder as he laughed.

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