Chapter Thirty-Nine (New Chapters)

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"I knew you'd come eventually, you're always in here" Lucian only raised an eyebrow, wondering what the hell he was even doing in here. "Don't all art students like being in here outside of class hours, because they know once they graduate they'll never be capable of doing art again because our society doesn't actually give it any value anymore?" Lucian just watched as he slid down from the counter, his feet back on the floor. Dressed heavily in black as always, with blonde hair pushed back and calculated eyes. He didn't know exactly when he started to dislike Zac, it was like a reflex reaction. After elementary and middle school together, watching him become more douchy every year it wasn't necessarily hard. What most people didn't know was that they were merely part of the same groups, not friends themselves In fact, they could hardly stand the sight of one another. They were just too different.

"Only cultured people see the use of art within society, were a dying breed" he responded, placing his backpack up on one of the tables, about to pull his book back out. "What were you doing in here? Waiting for me like a fucking creep?"

"I have something to discuss with you" he responded, crossing the room step by step.

"Well..." he retorted "Say it then, don't choke over yourself" Zac merely rolled his eyes, standing on the opposite side of the table.

"I know you like Blake" Lucian just snorted, cocking his head slightly

"Really? I didn't know I'd been so secretive. What of it?" He leaned back against the wall, crossing his arms against his chest.

"Well, I need you to stop" Zac responded, leaning forward to press his palms against the table between them. He sounded as if that was so simple, if it was so easy. The heart didn't work like that, not that he even wanted to attempt such a thing as to forget Blake. Lucian just found himself letting out a laugh, running his hand through his dark brown hair, shaking his head in slight disbelief at what just came out of Zac's fucking trap.

"Not happening" he retorted, his face falling hard, looking at Zac with sharp eyes.

"Oh yes, it is Lucian. Because, I'm going to have her" Zac responded, his tone hard and unforgiving. The thought of Blake with him, it had his fists tightening at his sides, the muscles of his back clenching.

"Are you fucking high?" Lucian exclaimed "She likes me"

"But she likes me more" he could hardly understand Zac's words, but somehow having them said to him just killed him. Zac might not have even been lying there, it might have just been the truth, a truth Lucian didn't want to think about at all. But just thinking about it had every cell in his entire body going into a horrible frenzy of hate. Come on, don't do this. Control your anger. Don't do this. "We've even been on a date already"

It was worse because Lucian knew that Zac had the knowledge of understanding which buttons to press that would get him riled up, the side effect of being in each other's lives so long. They fought from the moment they met, and as boys did they often ended up throwing fists at one another. But, it hadn't happened in a few years, and Zac had beat him last time, no doubt was why he was being such a cocky prick and telling Lucian to get a life when it came to his thoughts about Blake. He thinks he's better than me, that I'll stand down just because it's him that demands me.

But, it appeared what Zac hadn't understood was that the past wasn't the present. He wasn't going to give up on Blake for anyone, especially not him.

"She's mine" Lucian snapped back, leaning over to grip the table with his own tight knuckles.

"She belongs to no one" Zac responded

"I'd throw myself in front of a bullet for that girl. What the fuck would do for her?! Cheat on her?! Lie to her?!"

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