Chapter Forty-Two (New Chapters)

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Jace stumbled into class, late of course, hurrying to his seat after the teacher barraged him for being lazy again. He sat down next to Michayla, who leaned away from him slightly as she usually did during this class, the only one they were made to sit next to each other in. The teacher continued to speak as he got his stuff out, forcing it scattered across his desk. 

"You! Amoeba!" a whisper/yell came from next to him, glancing over at Mikayla's dark eyes. 

"Where's Blake?" she asked. He raised an eyebrow, glancing over at the empty seat by Mikayla, Blake's seat. 

"She isn't here?" 

"Do you think I'd be bothering to ask you if she was?" Mikayla retorted, rolling her eyes

"Well, I don't know" he responded, confusion on his tongue "Lucian picked her up, they should have beat me here"

"Lucian picked her up?" Mikayla asked, looking surprised. She had texted Blake last night, who claimed that she didn't think he would be doing that anymore. 

" his truck, they drove off to fuck knows where" 

"Language!" the teacher yelled from the front, startling them both to face forward. 

"Sorry" Jace claimed, waving weakly with incredulous eyes. The old man just huffed in annoyance, turning back to the book he was reading from to the class

"If Blake isn't here, that means Lucian isn't here either" Mikayla muttered, covering her face with her hands. Nearby, listening in to the conversation the two were having. On another desk, hands fisted with anger.


It looked like they had done this hundred of times, and she was just standing there as a one-person audience having no idea what to do. She glanced back at the visitor chairs by the doors, fingering herself slowly moving towards them, sitting down gently and looking ahead as they got prepped. At least now she wouldn't be a standing idiot, a sitting one instead. It kind of looked scary to be honest, watching as Lucian got into the chair, resting his head on the backrest and pulling up the sleeves of his shirt. Was she supposed to help?

"You can come closer you know" she lifted her head slightly as he spoke, looking rather amused by her, as Lilly stood beside the chair, feeding tubing through. She got up, grabbed the chair she had been sitting on, and dragged it across the floor, next to the medical chair. She sat down, just watching.

"If your squeamish, you should look away for this part" Lilly claimed, holding the rather large gage needle attached to a piece of tubing, looking over at her.

"I'm not squeamish" Blake responded stiffly, truthfully. The way she grew up, one couldn't afford to be afraid of gore, blood was a way of life.

"Good-" Lilly ripped the cap off the needle with her teeth "I already got one patient, don't need a second one" she claimed, her voice muffled by the cap behind her lips. Lucian became stiff, on guard, no doubt waiting for the pain. The moment she inserted the needle, his muscles retracted in protest, like an automatic reflex, using his free arm to grip the rest of his chair, his knuckles paling.

"That's it...relax" Lilly muttered, and he did, his muscles forced calming, leaning back in the chair with his head to the roof.

"Now friend-" Lilly spoke, covering the needle with a piece of gauze and tape before prepping the second one. "Your job is to make sure the needles stay where they are supposed to be" Blake nodded quickly "He needs someone with him, sometimes he gets agitated and he tries to pull the needles out, don't let him" she looked over at him incredulously, and he looked a little embarrassed, glancing away from her. "If he passes out, you also have to make sure they stay too"

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