Chapter Forty-Eight (New Chapters)

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He opened the door, bedhead across his face, sighting as she stood there, her arms crossed against her chest in her winter coat. She didn't say anything, neither did he, he just opened the door wider, letting her inside. He let her sit on the couch, bringing her a steaming cup of coffee. She took it within her hands, letting them cradle the porcelain cup as she gently nursed it. He sat down in the love seat on the opposite wall with his own cup.

"How is she doing?" she asked suddenly. He nodded, his head

"She's alright, they say a couple more days before she can come home" he responded "Karl said that when she woke up she was a bit disoriented, she's having trouble remembering exactly what happened" Mikayla nodded gently, staring at the dark liquid in the cup, slightly rippling everytime she shifted with it in her hands

"Why aren't you there?" she asked, meeting his eyes

"Everyone else is, apparently they only let a certain amount of visitors at a time. I volunteered to stay here so the rest of them could see her" he spoke simply, pulling at his shirt, leaning back on the seat. She nodded in understanding.

"Besides, were not very close to begin with" she lifted her eyes from the hot liquid, looking at him

"Are you kidding? Be real, your her brother" Mikayla spoke "She may act like she hates you, but we both know she doesn't. Blake couldn't hate anyone if she tried"

"How do you know?" he asked, appearing amused. He brought the cup to his lips, feeling the nearly boiling liquid slide down his throat, causing an uncontrollable shutter down his back.

"Why don't you actually ask her? Instead of making up her mind for her" Mikayla suggested

"Her actions are fairly clear" he retorted. She couldn't help but dig her nails into the hopt porcelain they held

"What about you?" she spoke, pushing her hair behind her shoulder with a free hand before letting it join her own "You've always treated Blake like shit, and now she's in the hospital, she's nearly fucking died, and you don't even give a fuck enough to visit her with the rest of your family" Her tone got more sharp as she spoke.

"I don't hate Blake-"

"But your actions speak on their own, dont they?" Mikayla asked, cutting him short "Just like you said hers do"

"Just because I act a certain way doesnt mean I actually think that way" he responded sharply, leaning forward in the seat, keeping his eyes direct with her own angry orbs.

"Then what do you think Jace?" she asked suddenly "What do you think of your sister for the last four years being nearly killed and in the hospital"

"Do you think I like it?" he asked incredulously

"Then tell me what you really feel, be real for once in your life!" she responded with a snap back, placing the half-drank cup of coffee on the table in front of her, harder than she probably had to. 

"Because to me, it seems like you are too focussed on your reflection in the mirror to even bother going to see her! My best friend!" she snapped, getting to her feet "She loves you! The only reason why she acts like she doesn't like you is because she thinks you hate her! She protects herself by distancing herself from you!"

"How is that my problem?!" he asked, getting up from his own spot, forcing his mug down on the coffee table next to him "She has her own shit, her own problems that have nothing to do with me! Why is everything suddenly my fault with you?!" he spoke, startling her "You always do this! You always make me out to be the fucking enemy in Blake's story, why is that?! Your just looking for someone to blame for how fucking damaged she is, arent you?" they stood there, staring angrily at one another, the silence so thick between them it could suffocate. She just growled suddenly, sounding so exhausted and put up. She moved around the table, heading for the front door. He stood there, watching her go. But, as soon as she left around the corner, out of his sight, listening to her steps heading for the front door. He couldn't take it, the echo of them in her ears. He really didn't know why he was so attached to her, she rarely gave him the time of day, but maybe that was exactly why. When it came to her, he didn't want to be himself, he wanted to be someone even better. He kicked off, across the floor, don't let her leave.

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