Assassin Girlfriend

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Y/N = your name

N/N = Peter's nickname for you

Trigger warning: death/killing, gun mentions


Peter's POV.

I am so late. N/N and I are going on a date tonight. It's a Saturday so I've been out patrolling all day. I lost track of time and now I'm running late.

"Dad, you made that reservation right?" I yell, trying to get my tie set and shoes on. 

"I-" Dad (Tony) gets cut off. 

"I did." Mom (Pepper) buts in helping me with my tie. 

"Thanks mom."

"No problem."

"So...  When do we get to meet this special lady?" Dad asks. 

"I'll ask her tonight but I'm not pressuring her." I look at the clock, "Shoot, I have to go! See you later!" I yell rushing out the door.

Y/N's POV.

I take a deep breath. I hate doing this, but it pays good money. With another breath I pull the trigger. One precise shot, just how I was trained...

My phone buzzed.

Peter ❤️🕷️🕸️

Sorry I'm running a little late. Can't wait to see you ❤️

I smile, turning off my phone. If he knew he'd freak. I pocket my phone, erasing any evidence it was me before leaving for my date. 

At The Restaurant

Peter is waiting outside for me. Such a gentleman.

"Let's head in." He smiles, holding his arm out for me.

I take it and he leads me inside to the table. 

A soft hum of chatter of conversations and silverware against plates fill the restaurant. It's a really nice background noise for what will be a nice evening. As we make our way into the private room the noise becomes softer. The waiter sets the menu down and leaves. 

"How was your day, Pete?"

"Okay so, there I was, right? Just swinging through Queens, thinking it's a normal day, when suddenly bam! This pigeon—" He gestured dramatically. "Just smacks me right in the face."

I snort, "You got taken out by a pigeon?" 

"I wish that was to worst thing today. I lost my grip and fell three stories. Then I landed in someone's backyard."


"Ya and that backyard I fell in had a swimming pool. I fell in soaking my suit." 

"Wow. Only you Pete." I say laughing. 

"Thats not even the worst of it. So, since I fell from so high, I gained a lot of speed right. So, a lot of water went out of the pool, ruining their new grill."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24 ⏰

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