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I meant it

Elias made true of this words that we would share a bedroom. Yet its been nearly two days and he has yet to make an appearance in his own room.

I wondered if that man ever slept.

I didn't care about where he was, or where or who he was sleeping with in these two days, but more so that his pride was so tall he was avoiding coming here.

I didn't even mean that I was going to have sex with Aleksei. I mean, I could, just to piss him off. But Aleksei seems like the fiercely loyal type who follows Elias words like they are written in his brain; but I kinda would like the challenge.

I mean Aleksei is hot enough I guess, and if I squinted my eyes maybe I wouldn't remember how much of a disgusting bastard he is. No, scratch that, I'll probably always remember that

But me being in this room, Elias room, Elias's whole point was so he could watch me. Yet, he wasn't here.

His room was exactly what I was expecting. Black sheets, black curtains, grey fucking walls and red furniture. Typical crazy fuckman type shit.

It had been stripped of any items that were small or capable of being made into weapons, pegs on the wall, stripped of what I could only assume were guns.

the mirror taken from the bathroom wall like they thought I'd smash it and gouge my own eyes out.

There was a TV however, but no Netflix or Hulu. No pornhub.

I spent my long, horrible days, watching cable TV romance dramas and getting way to invested in who's the baby daddy. Or doing follow along Zumba on the workout channel.

I one hundred percent have also masturbated. But not even that was that fun. Despite my amazing self-sex capabilities.

now, I laid flat on the bed. Staring at the ceiling. I felt like I could hear time going by. Even though there was no clock In this room, I swear I could hear it tick.

I wanted drugs. Or alcohol. Both.

"Ugh!" I screamed, shooting up. "I could shower?" I said to myself. Knowing I've already showered like a million times out of complete boredom. I made sure to waste as much of his shampoo and conditioner and body wash as possible, using huge handful for my hair.

"No, Syn, you don't need to do that." I said. And stopped myself "great, now I'm my own friend."

"You hear that! I'm going insane!" I screamed at the door. "I'm hungry?!" I said, walking up to it and knocking. "Could I get ravioli? You know the type that comes in the can. With the chef on it?" I screamed again.

"If no one answers me, I'm just going to scream until my voice box dies." I told them. Knowing, there has to be at least someone outside the door.

I waited a few seconds, giving them a grace period.

"Alright." I said and I cracked my knuckles, "you asked for it-"

The door slammed open. "Would you just shut the hell up?" A man said, growling in my face. His feet staying on the outside of the entrance. Like this space was forbidden.

"I am trapped in here or some other room 24 hours a day. If you want me to be quite." I said, stepping forward, inches from the man. God he was also sickly attractive. Is every single person her like gorgeous? "Make me." I whispered, dragging my hand down his bicep.

He shrugged away, but I saw his eyes drag my body.

I was practically naked, wearing a little mesh dress they had so humbly given to me.

"Let's. Have. Sex." I said to him. Tilting my head and standing on my tipi toes to reach closer to his lips. His hesitated. Breathed heavy.

If most likely viscously injure him the second he walked into the room. Or maybe I would just sleep with him in Elias bed. You know, just to piss him off.

"Syn." Aleksei growled, and the man before me was pulled back by his arm. I sighed as I threw my head back. "You." He said pointing to the guard, "leave."

I leant my side against the doorframe, resting my head against it. "Oh come on. You ruined my fun."

"I don't know what little game your playing, but stop trying to sleep with his men." Aleksei's growled. "He meant it when he said there will be punishment. Not just for you."

"I'm bored Aleksei. I can't stand it anymore." I said. "At least give me something to do."

"No." He told me. Grabbing the door to close it, I stop him.

"Aleksei. I can't just sit in here anymore!"

He looked at me. And he sighed. "I'm sorry Syn." He told me, as he forced me inside and closed the door on my face—locking it.


Aleksei POV

Mr.Volkan sat in his desk, staring off at something that wasn't even there. I knocked, and he shot his eyes to me.

"What." He said, leaning back into his chair.

"There was an incident. I handled it." I said, looking down at his desk instead of his eyes.

"What?" He repeated, standing up.

"Syn had convinced the guard to open the door and suggested sex. Nothing happened. I intervened before she continued." I told him.

He didn't answer for a moment. But grabbed his gun. "Find him. And kill him." He told me and I looked up slightly.

I swallowed, but nodded. "Of course. And Syn?" I said, as he walked around the desk and towards me.

"I'll deal with her." He hissed. "Move." He told me, and I did. And he quickly made his way out of his office and down the hall.

Syn. Look what you have done.

I shook out my head as I turned to, making my way to the guards room. My mind was blank, gone, as I knocked in the door.

He answered quickly, the man from outside syns room. His eyes wide for just a moment before I took my pistol and shot him in the forehead.

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