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when the devil wants to dance with you, you better say never, Because the dance with the devil might last you forever

Elias POV

Gunfire. Execution. They were all lined up and killed.

My knife, sliding against the throat of a man on his knees before me. His blood staining my hands, dyeing my hands red. I simply shook it off, wiping it onto the pocket square from my suit jacket pocket.

I wanted them all dead for what they had done. What they had taken.

And their blood soaked the concrete.

Images of her flashed in my head. The burns. The cuts. The blood.

My men searched for her. The base, the woods around it. Aleksei stood near me, seeming impatient. Worried. His foot tapping like he too wanted to be scavenging the wilderness for her.

"Have they found her?" I said lowly, while looking at my watch.

It would be dark soon.

He turned his head to me, blinking. "No. By the state of her wounds if she's left overnight—"

"She is no doubt waiting in the trees ready to stab me." I said, remembering her very words to me. I didn't doubt her threat. But his words didn't fall short. She would probably be dead if we didn't find her until morning.

And the very thought that the fucker had slid a blade into her flesh made my skin burn. If I could kill these men twice, I would.

I would Let her watch if she chose as I killed each and every one of her captures.

She broke his trachea with those little chains.

Blood pooled under my feet, and I looked at my watch again, before surveying the tree line. Nothing.

If she had run, I'd find her.

I'll find you and I'll bring you back.

"Fucking Christ." I hissed as I began walking towards the backside of the building. They were all gathered in the front when we showed up, prepackaged for death.

I wonder if that was her doing. Did she know I'd kill then all? Slit there throats and have them shot through the skull?

Id watched that live feed video from the very beginning.

Saw those tears on her face. The way she begged—the second a little pathetic beg came from her lips, as she begged him not to touch her—I felt rage. It was as if my blood was burning. I had stared at the screen, demanding the feed be traced.

My eyes locked on her as I noticed each and every little hash and cut and bruise. She looked defeated. Messed. Broken.

He has cut over the pre-existing scars, and then bled new wounds now.

I should have remembered she was not one to beg, and as he unchained her to fuck the space between herlegs, she snapped his neck instead.

I felt Aleksei follow me, and I stopped quickly. "No. Go find him." I hissed, and he stood in his tracks and nodded. "Bring him with us." I finished.

He didn't just get to die. No. Not for what he has done to her. It didn't matter that he wouldn't feel the pain.

I found myself alone. As I found myself towards the backside, and woods ever expanding into nothing.

"Syn." I said lowly into it, as the darkness already began to chase away the light. The trees casting shadows that made it look ghostly.

There wasn't a sound from the trees. Not a rustle. No wind. Nothing.

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