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He carried me out of bed, the sun hadn't even began to rise and I opened my eyes just enough to see people covering the furniture with white sheets. The maids bringing clothes and important items out of drawers and closets and placing them into leather suitcases and clipping them closed.

"What?" I asked, groggy, half awake, part of me wondering if I was even lucid.

Dull Anger in my chest. Confusion and skepticism rose up and began to crawl up my throat. Why the hell am I awake. Why the hell did he wake me up. And why the hell are they closing down the apartment like we have both died.

"Sleep." He said calmingly, as if to keep me at bay for now, walking past all the silent commotion of his staff, straight to the elevator, armed bodyguards following after us and coming with into the small box. "We are leaving." He said simply.


The harsh white light of the elevator made my eyes squint, before I blinked and became fully aware of my actual surroundings. Becoming almost instantly awake and conscious of all the people around me.

How I was in my pyjamas, And not even the cute kind.

How everyone else was in suits and ties, including Elias. When the hell in the middle of he night did he decide to pack up and leave, but put on his suit first? And while I was sleeping 5 feet away.

We went down, the buzz of the elevator and the counting of the floors. "Why?" I asked, deciding to not fight it for now, and rested my head back onto his shoulder.

Was Silas coming? Was he already here?

He said nothing, no one did. and I looked at up him over my lashes and he was staring forwards, his eyes fixated on the doors, as if behind his eyes he was planning and scheming and deciding plans.

His frame was tense, yet his hold on me was yet so painfully gentle, his fingers holding me tight and strong, pressing me firm to his chest, his arms under my knees and my back against his bicep. He held me almost sweetly, despite how his body rolled with
Harshness and his gaze was slicing.

"Mr.Volkan, the plane has been set and is ready on the tarmac. " A man said from behind us. A plane. We were leaving. We were leaving leaving. Not just across town, but away.

Further away. Further from Silas. Out of San Francisco.

I fought the urge to smile. Hell, I fought the urge to begin to cheer.

What I find the most funny, Is When I was a kid I always wanted to see San Francisco. The streets. The sights. I Wanted to see the bridge. I Wanted to see if the water was as cold as they say it is.

it is.

And now, I never want to come back here.

I turned frozen, feeling the goosebumps, feeling the cold. Cold like you've never felt cold. A cold I can't get rid of, even when I'm burning.

I didn't have a brother until a few weeks ago, and now that I do, I wish I didn't. I wish he wasn't who he was, that he wasn't selfish and cold and just like the world around us. I wish we were different people.

I wish that it wasn't him or me. I wish that I didn't have to think about how only one of us will walk out of this mess.

Silas won't stop trying to get to me once he realizes I'm alive, and Elias won't stop until Silas is dead and forgotten.

But I'm not sure that I could ever forget this. Not this. Not even if I tried. And I have tried.

I could still feel the water. I could still feel the hollowness of his betrayal, even though I knew it was coming. I still see the look in Silas eyes when hr tried to have me drown, and I think leaving sounded like the best fucking news I'd ever been given.

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