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"Tell me what you know, and I'll make it quick." He whispered to me, as the fresh hit to my face made blood trickle from my lips.

My head low, as my mind spun and my vision was blurry. My eyelids coated in blood from gashes on my forehead cut by rings.

"Go to hell." I whispered to him. Even if I did know something, I'd never tell him.

He sent another hit to my face, this time, it sent the chair screeching backwards. And I sit blood onto my lap.

And I could, I could tell him that my marrige was nothing. That I was a woman picked from many to play a part. I could tell him about the business in Cuba, the amount of men Elias has, what he does and doesn't have.

I could save myself, tell him something, anything to stop this. But I won't, Not because I respect or have loyalty for Elias, I could care less if he burned. But because I won't die easily.

"Stupid cunt." The man hissed, as he grabbed my hair in his hands and forced my gaze up. With a smirk, I spit in his face, my saliva mixing with the blood on my tongue.

He recoiled, taking his hands from me. His own, slowly reaching for the wetness of his cheek.
He was silent for a moment, only one, before his face crunched in anger.

"Liam!" He screamed loudly, and the door promptly opened again.

"Yes?" Liam answered, as he walked slowly into the room. My gaze falling to him, he was looking at me. His face contorting ever so slightly at the state I was in.

I reeked of blood, stained with crimson. Covered in purple black bruises that made every breath make my body ache.

"Bring the camera. I'm tired of this shit." The man before me growled.

"Are you sure this is wise? Showing your face?" Liam asked, tilting his head as his arms crossed over his chest.

"Just fucking do it! And Make sure it's live streaming." He hissed angrily, his fists bloody and torn. The indent of his rings matching cuts that littered my face, turning the skin around my eyes black and bloody.

"You have..." I began, as I forced my head up straight again. "...problems. Have you considered taking to someone?"

"Slitting your throat on camera while he is watching will be my therapy." He told me, with clenched teeth and fists.

Yikes. This might actually be when I die. Jeepers.

"Your just going to kill me? That's kind of boring." I said, as I settled further in my seat. "Mr.Volkan has seen death a million times, it bores him." I said. Despite knowing that Elias probably has some weird death/blood kink.

As I finished my words, Liam returned with a tripod and a camera. He fiddled with it for a moment, like an idiot, before setting it in front of me.

"That's why I'm going to fuck you, while he watches, and then I'm going to kill you." He told me.

KILL ME SOFTLYWhere stories live. Discover now