Like I'm Gonna Loose You

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This is not my writing, I found it on Archive of our own. The writer is listed as

Chapter 1

Arizona Robbins stepped outside of her house to grab her morning paper from the driveway and did a little stretch. Her clothes were already sticking to her and she hadn't been awake all that long. But the sun was already pounding down on her and she felt the sweat on her back and it was only seven in the morning.

Jax was on his leash, just like every morning, and was as happy as could be. She looked out her front door and smelled the was going to be a hot one today, she could already tell. A grasshopper jumped in front of Jax and he pounced on it, trying to catch it but the fat cat didn't stand a chance, long since having lost his pouncing abilities, he quickly lost interest in the fast moving insect and rolled over on his back, kicking up his legs.

She bent down to grab the paper and heard a noise, not a familiar noise like the combines in the distance, or the freight train that just went through...but a different noise. It sounded like a car speeding, but no one speeds through these parts, because if you do, you are sure to catch up with Spence, the deputy Sherriff in town. No one dared go even one mile over, because you would surely see his lights in your review mirror and get a stern lecture from him on the importance of going the speed limit in these small towns.

Arizona looked across the street and saw Charlie, Aunt Katie's lost cat, hiding in the bushes. "Charlie! Come here kitty!" She called, the cat looked over at her and let out a little meow. She had been missing for three days now and was probably starting to get hungry. "Come on Jax, let's go get Charlie," She said and started to cross the street when the noise suddenly became louder. She looked up and saw a big black SUV barreling down the road, straight for her. "Jax!" She yelled and pulled the kitty up to her. The SUV noticed her, but it was too late, it swerved, slammed on its brakes, and smashed right into her sign "Dr. Arizona Robbins, Pediatric Care; Brave, Missouri".

Right behind the SUV, lights flashing, was Spence, he hopped out of the car, and went running to the SUV and threw the door open with flair.

"Who do you think you are!?" He yelled and pulled the woman out of the SUV, she sort of fell out of the door, tripping, trying to stand upright, heels on that had to be at least four inches, black leather jacket, black pants, did this woman not own any color? And she had to know on a day like today, black was not your friendly color, you could easily melt into the sidewalk wearing all black.

"Well I think that I am Dr. Calliope Torres, and that crazy woman walked out in front of me, walking her cat! I had to swerve to miss her! Are you insane?" She yells at Arizona, who is still standing in the middle of the road, Jax in her arms, paper in her hand, looking stunned.

"You ran over my sign!!! I just had that installed last week! You owe me a sign!" Arizona yelled at the strange woman. This only seems to inflame the woman that has now steadied herself and looked at her SUV, front smashed in, sign laying on top of the hood that had smoke billowing out of it, there was some damage here that's for sure, and it wasn't to the sign.

"Your sign! Are you kidding? Do you not see what you've done to my truck? There has to be at least $5000 worth of damage to it! How do you intend to pay for it?" The woman yelled, and Arizona looked at her with a little bit of humor.

"First off Princess, that ain't no truck and second off, if you hadn't been speeding though our town, you never would have wrecked. It's why we have a speed limit of 25, so people don't get killed trying to get their morning paper."

"Don't ever call me Princess! Hey! Barney Fife, what are you going to do about this?: She yells at Spence and he moves towards the strange woman and looks at her SUV that is sitting in Arizona's front yard, then at the woman, then at Arizona. Finally he takes his handcuffs out of his belt and walks up behind the woman.

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