Like I'm Gonna Lose You

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Chapter 27

Callie was slumped at her chair in her new office in LA. She should be happy here, the building was immaculate, she had patients in and out all day, but with very minimal effort on her part as she had two nurses assigned to her alone. She didn't run labs or take temperatures, lance anything at all, no she was now back to the medicine she had been practicing for so long.

She should be happy but she had been nothing short of miserable for the last two weeks, crying, moody and depressed were the big emotions she couldn't help showing. At one point Addison threatened to start spiking her coffee with anti-depressants if she didn't snap out of her funk soon.

"Hey! I'm out of here, have a great weekend," Addison said poking her head in Callie's door.

"What?" Callie asked and lifted her head up a little to see the smiling doctor standing at her door.

"I'm leaving, I'm headed to Brave for the next four days."

"Wait! What!?" Callie said and perked up hearing the name of the town where she so desperately wanted to be.

"Callie I've told you half a dozen times this week that I'm going there for the next four days to get some of these hours done. I'll be back on Tuesday, have a good weekend,"she said with a little wave.

"Wait! Where are you staying?" She asked desperate to hear the name she so wanted to say as she scurried after her friend.

Addison stopped and looked at Callie and figured, why not. "I'll be staying with Arizona while I'm there." She said and waited for the water works.

"Really...." Callie said quietly and sat down in a waiting room chair thinking of her blonde. No matter what she did these past two weeks all she could think about was her. Her beautiful face, her grumpiness in the morning, she wondered what she was doing for coffee, did she remember to go out and get the eggs?

"Yes, I've told you this. You just don't listen to me when I talk anymore. Your off in la-la land and not listening. I'm leaving, goodbye,"she said and walked out of the room.

"Addie!" Callie called and Addison stuck her head back in the door. "Can you....can you just tell her that I love her and miss her. Please?"

"Callie, are you sure you want me to tell her that?"

"Yes. Please. And don't forget to make her coffee, she likes it ready in the morning when she wakes up. Oh! And get the eggs!"

"Coffee I will do, but you are delusional if you think I am getting anywhere near the bird flu epidemic in that backyard. Good-bye."

Callie had gone to her room and packed all of her things after Arizona had told her to leave and go back to LA. She thought for sure the blonde would come back to her room and tell her she changed her mind. But she never did. Callie waited for an hour in the room and she never came back. She took all of her suitcases and brought them to her SUV and loaded them up, then went out to Tim's but she wasn't there. Then she went to her parents house, but she wasn't there either.

Callie came back to the house, hoping that Arizona was there waiting, but she wasn't. Callie sat on the porch all night and waited, but she never showed up.

Early Monday morning Callie made the pot of coffee like she always did and waited in the kitchen. She gathered the eggs and fed all the chickens, but there was still no sign of Arizona.

"Callie?" Addison had called from the front porch and Callie had walked out, locking the door behind her and looking up at the house. "We need to get going,"Addison told her and they went to the SUV and got in, ready for their drive.

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